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1. Last week, for the first time in three years, Mr. Pete and I did our Pre-Cana talk on Marriage as a Sacrament. In 2007 and 2008 I did the talk by myself because he was on a business trip. From 2003 through 2006 we did the speech and it went okay, but we rarely got mentioned on the evaluations by the couples, unless it was the occasional bad evaluation! I chalked some of that to our inexperience but also some of it to being the last speaker just before lunch!

Well it seems we have finally hit on the right combination! We were speaking together as a couple, and we were the last speakers of the day! But besides that, after seven years, tweaking the talk and perfecting it, we finally had one that seemed to be reaching the engaged couples – and that was a nice feeling!!

My favorite was: “Marriage as a sacrament- excellent talk with personal stories, very good to end the day with”

2. My husband left for a few days this week and I didn’t stress out! After almost 30 years of marriage I am getting better at this!

3. I managed to get all my transcription done, homeschool, make all the meals, do all the chauffeuring all by myself for three days! This always amazes me.

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