7- Quick Takes Friday

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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. I’ sitting here waiting for my interview for First Magazine to commence.I hope I don’t come off like a complete blathering idiot!

2. Mr. Pete has been gone for three days to some kind of music convention in Columbus. He does this every year and I JUST HATE IT! I hate being the single parent, I hate having to worry alone about the cars, the kids, the homeschooling, the food, all of it… And I just don’t sleep as deeply when he is not here. Even though he snores like a power saw, I can sleep through it much better than the stillness that I have been enveloped in for the past few nights.

3. I connected with an old friend of mine on Facebook! We went to dance classes together for about 10 years. We went to the same Catholic grade school (Michael Moore went there too!) Her mother was my mother’s hairdresser. She was in my wedding and we have sent Christmas cards faithfully to each other for almost 30 years, but we haven’t really talked. So it was very nice to have a bit of a discussion and reconnect. (She looks just like she did in high shcool to!) She’s the author of several children’s books, so I’ll have to check those out.

4. My new job is kicking my butt. Nephrology is NOTHING like urology. Urology is plumbing. Nephrology is chemistry. Anyway, just trying to figure out when to type this new account, and keep my old accounts up to date is very challenging.

5. I have not exercised one time since the new year…sigh. But I have been eating right. My thing is I have to figure out how to get my time to use the television for my DVDs and tapes! I suppose I could do it at 5:30 when I planned, but I just can’t seem to talk myself into it then.

6. Calvin has an interview for an EMT job… yeah!

7. I had my kids do a Free Write today and Noah came up with some of the funniest stuff! He combined the Boy Who Cried Wolf with the Little Red Riding Hood- very cute! I’ll have a sample on my homeschool blog later!

Have a great weekend!

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