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1.  I felt so sorry for Calvin this week.  He drove an hour up to Cleveland for two job interviews.  This was his first time driving into a city that size by himself- which can be nerve wracking enough, but with poor signage and less than helpful Mapquest directions he became a little befuddled.  To make matters worse he arrived at both interviews only to be told that because he was not yet 21, they couldn’t hire him.  That was information that would have been nice to know WHEN THEY SET UP THE INTERVIEWS!  He has another interview next week – rest assured he is going to make sure they know that he will only be 20 in July.

2.  Which makes me wonder why the EMT courses allow students as young as 18 to enter, when apparently getting an EMT job at that age is going to be a lot harder.

3.  I just got our gas bill.  Despite making regular payments every month, they want to mess with us with a threatened shut off in February.  I am confident I can negotiate a deal, but I also got an additional note this week from our family doctor that it will be $100 EACH for taking two kids to the office for sore throats last August.  They ran it through the insurance first to get the deductions.  I like our doctor a lot but that just seems mind blowingly expensive – $200 for 15 to 20 minutes of face time?

4.  Where’s my bailout?

5.  I’m wondering if any of the RINOs (Republican in Name Only) and CINOs (Catholic in Name Only) who voted for President Obama and the Democratic congress are having any regrets about their election choices now that they have had a chance to look over the so called stimulus package.  I think one commentator got it right when he said that bill had more pork on it than a pig!  And while I’m on the topic, why are we funding foreign abortions?

6.  I was watching an entertainment show last night that was ragging on how fat Jessica Simpson has gotten. (She hasn’t. She actually looks pretty normal to me but she is no longer a size 0 to 2 so in Hollywood terms that must be enormous.)  One of the commentators said that Jessica was targeted because this is a slow news week…I kid you not!

7.  I thought about my late mother-in-law today.  When Mr. Pete and I were courting all those years ago, he spent a lot of time over at my house. A lot.  Even slept over on a sleeper couch many nights in the middle of our dining room instead of going home. (Of course he left a good 30 minutes away so a lot of times that made sense.)  I wonder if she missed her son? I wonder if he neglected things at his parents home because he was always over at mine?  I wish I had been more sensitive to that. What goes around comes around and I am certainly getting mine now.  So I said a little prayer and asked for her forgiveness.  I sure was a clueless girl.

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