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Outside my window…
It is a typical December day in Ohio, overcast and gray.

I am thinking…That I really want to make Advent a holy and peaceful time and I want my kids to be truly living the holy anticipation of Christmas.

I am thankful for…My wonderful husband. I met him as a 17 year old boy, and married him as a 21 year old young man. And now when he works 10 to 12 hours a day but still finds time to coach soccer, or teach Sunday school, or cantor at mass, I am simply amazed! Yesterday he taught Sunday school, sang with our contemporary choir, rehearsed for next week’s performance and then came home and snaked out the main drain to the house and bought some groceries – that is some fella!

From the learning rooms…We did not finish Johnny Tremain this week (which is an awesome, awesome book! But we did finish on the Banks of Plumb Creek and it was very moving! We’re taking it kind of easy this week in homeschool because we have a big concert on Sunday afternoon that most of us are participating in.

From the kitchen… In honor of our lady’s feast day, we are having a “white dinner” to remind us of Mary’s purity. We are having chicken in a wine white sauce, over rice – and then frosted white cake for desert!

I am wearing…Black sweat pants, white T with a big comfy sweat shirt over it, and the black boots I finally wiped the dust off of!

I am creating…beautiful music. I played two concerts yesterday as well as playing for mass. The first concert in particular went very well for me. I look forward to two rehearsals and a concert this week in church and then finally two masses on Christmas Eve!

I am going… to be signing up with another transcription company this week in addition to my other accounts. I’m a little afraid to take on my work and I am afraid that this little blog will bear the brunt of my time constraints. Yet I am fearful of this economy and if I have the opportunity to make more money I’m going to make hay while a little sun still shines!

I am reading…The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

I am hoping…that my children will have an awe and reverence for their Catholic faith and a fond memory of their Catholic upbringing.

I am hearing…I found something on Youtube that sounds exactly like my tinnitus! Pat a Pan also keeps going through my head!

Around the house…Adding decorations, here and there!

A few plans for the rest of the week:Buckle down with that exercise program. I have exactly six months before the big birthday! and I am determined to be in shape for it!

Here is picture thought I am sharing…

Izzy preparing the St. Nicholas Day Breakfast!
and Noah enjoying it!

Calvin and Sarah working on their Anniversary/Christmas Fleece Blanket

Are you a Catholic mom who participates in the Simple Woman meme every week with uniquely Catholic traditions and family life to share? Then please leave a comment in the comment box and I will put your blog in the special aggregator on the side bar so that other Catholic ladies can read them.

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