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Outside my window…
It is pitch black and cold!

I am thinking…That I really want to make Advent a holy and peaceful time and I want my kids to be truly living the holy anticipation of Christmas.

I am thankful for…My baby girl. I had a healthy baby at age 46. How wonderful is that! And I am in awe every time I see her. I am also grateful that I housebroke a dog and potty trained my daughter in one week! I simply told Rosie I thought the puppy would get the hang of it before she did! That’s all it took. Competition is a wonderful thing some times.

From the learning rooms…I hope to finish Johnny Tremain this week (which is an awesome, awesome book! I am SO GLAD that I got a chance to read it. That is what I love about homeschooling- everything I missed the first time, I can get the second, third, fourth etc. time around! I also want to get some crafts together for Izzy and the boys to work on.

From the kitchen… Cheesy turkey burritos and a side salad.

I am wearing…My fancy black pants from church, but a stretchy hoodie and my favorite red sweater and my athletic shoes – it’s an interesting look!

I am creating…beautiful music. I didn’t touch my flute all summer and then people asked me to play for Christmas! So after about four weeks of rehearsals with different groups, I performed in my first concert today (including a difficult flute part in Pat A Pan). I have two more next Sunday and then a big concern for church with all three of our choirs. The 16th the kids have a piano recital at mom’s nursing home. A truly musical Christmas.

I am going… to be signing up with another transcription company this week in addition to my other accounts. There is work out there, and I want to get my hands on some of it!!

I am reading…The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

I am hoping…that I can handle all of this extra transcription work on top of everything else.
I am hearing…I found something on Youtube that sounds exactly like my tinnitus!

Around the house…Clean up my office tomorrow, and then the classroom on Tuesday.

A few plans for the rest of the week:Buckle down with that exercise program. I have exactly six months before the big birthday! and I am determined to be in shape for it!

Here is picture thought I am sharing…

Calvin and Sarah working on their Anniversary/Christmas Fleece Blanket

Are you a Catholic mom who participates in the Simple Woman meme every week with uniquely Catholic traditions and family life to share? Then please leave a comment in the comment box and I will put your blog in the special aggregator on the side bar so that other Catholic ladies can read them.

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