My Daily Domestic Diigolet 12/29/2008

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  • Obama bristles as the bubble closes in – Carol E. Lee – Politico.comNot surprising. This is a regular guy who got raised very quickly to superstar status without really doing much to earn it. Ya’ll elected him…sigh…tags: Obama
    • All presidents and would-be presidents struggle with “the bubble” – the security detail and the always-there reporters that impose barriers to any spontaneous interaction with the outside world.

      But Obama seems to be struggling particularly hard, particularly early.

  • Discovery Health :: TV Listings :: 17 Kids and CountingMiss an episode? here’s the schedule for reruns on Discovery Health.tags: duggar
  • TheCatholicSpirit.comEmilie was a Catholic wife, mother and writer who passed away on December 23 from sarcoma. This was her last column for her Catholic periodical. I think these are indeed the words of a woman who has found love and peace with God and comfort in her Catholic Faith. Emilie also blogged at death, grief, Catholic
    • “From such people I have learned a new definition of the word ‘joy.’ I
      had thought joy to be rather synonymous with happiness, but it seems
      now to be far less vulnerable than happiness. Joy seems to be a part of
      an unconditional will to live, not holding back because life may not
      meet our preferences and expectations. Joy seems to be a function of
      the willingness to accept the whole, and to show up to meet with
      whatever is there. It has a kind of invincibility that attachment to
      any particular outcome would deny us. Rather than the warrior who
      fights toward a specific outcome and therefore is haunted by the
      specter of failure and disappointment, it is the lover drunk with the
      opportunity to love despite the possibility of love, the player for
      Surrendering our lives to God gives us the freedom to experience real joywhom playing has become more important than winning or losing.

      “The willingness to win or lose moves us out of an adversarial
      relationship to life and into a powerful kind of openness. From such a
      position, we can make a greater commitment to life. Not only pleasant
      life, or comfortable life, or our idea of life, but all life. Joy seems
      more closely related to aliveness than to happiness.”

    • What if I just let go of that? What if I trust that even if I die
      tomorrow or next month or next year, things will somehow work out? What
      if I allow myself to put the outcome in God’s hands and just live
      intensely in the present, absorbing and em­bracing life as it happens?
      It’s not indifference or admitting defeat; it’s seeing the bigger

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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