Michelle Duggar on TLC

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As a pre-Christmas gift to myself, I watched the Duggar Family t.v. show last night on TLC. This was going to be the episode where Michelle gives birth to her 18th child via C-section and I did not want to miss it.

A lot of people criticize the Duggar family and Michelle particularly takes a beating on forums and blogs. I note that in their homeschool classroom the Duggars have a lot of computers for their kids. I sincerely hope that Michelle never reads some of the filth that is spewed out there from these sad, evil little people about her and her family. But I have a feeling that with family-friendly filters on their computers, maybe she won’t run across that stuff.

So why do people hate Michelle and Jim Bog Duggar for having a reality show? America has been subjected to many different types of reality shows over the years showing people doing despicable and horrible things to themselves and other people. On any given night on cable t.v. you can see people hooking up, cussing, drinking, breaking the law and pretty much running around naked. Kids (if there are any kids – children tend to be a low priority in most of these shows) are either terribly neglected or horribly spoiled and self-centered. You would think as a nation we would have a lot more to say about the negative impact of those types of shows!

With the Duggars, you might get to see the family take a trip to the grocery store, or watch Jim Bob teach one of the girls to drive. We get to see clean, modestly dressed, polite and social children and teenager – but for folks suffering from Duggar Derangement Syndrome, this is just going too far!

Michelle seems to take the brunt of it. According to some, her hair is too long and out of date, her clothes are dowdy and I have read more than one comment speculating about the state of her Vajayjay (which incidentally got cleared up last night by Michelle’s OB/GYN – who stated that for her age and the number of children she has had, Mrs. Duggar’s pelvic floor is holding up very well thank you very much!)

Yet to me, Michelle Duggar seems to be what most of these whiners claim to find admirable in their celebrities! She’s sincere, honest, open, being herself and being true to herself. Isn’t that what we crucify our politicians and celebrities for NOT being? I can only conclude that when a conservative, simple, home-loving, Christian does it, she’s open to criticism because she’s not sincere, open and true about the right stuff – which is basically the overly sexualized, sterile pleasure seeking behaviors of the 21st century. My bad/ she badder!

As far as the birth goes, I admire and applaud Michelle for all of her VBACs and I also felt that she handled this unexpected C-section with gracious courage. This was such a stark difference from her last birth and I think this really did show the reality of a C-section birth. Having your abdomen cut open to deliver a baby is a hard way to go. It’s major surgery. And as the rest of the family was standing around I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Michelle who was laying flat in bed with her eyes closed – happy for her new little girl, but probably wishing to be left alone. Maybe she’ll talk more about that in the future.

We did get to hear from Josh Duggar’s new wife Anna, who looks a lot like her sisters-in-law. She seems like a pure, down-to-earth kind of girl too and I wish them both a long and happy married life.

Jim Bob did push their new book a lot: The Duggars: 20 and Counting. Good for him. I’m all for capitalism! This book is only $15 new, which is very affordable. Would probably be a nice gift for a new mom having her second or third baby and wondering how she’s ever going to manage! I might have to pick this up after Christmas for myself!

Way to go Duggar family! And particularly, my heart and prayers are with you Mama Michelle as you enjoy your husband, family, new baby and recover your strength and heal!

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