Some thoughts on the election

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After spending a lot of time thinking, crying and praying about the election cycle we just went through I think I have come out on the other side numb. So for my own self-preservation I am going to follow the example of Tony at Catholic Pillow Fight and pray for our new president.

I think Bill O’Reilly was spot on about why so many people voted for Barack Obama, and I think he is correct that we should support our new president, but keep a close eye on him. He has a very tough job ahead of him. He did NOT have a clear mandate – almost half of the country voted against him! He will have to appease those folks while withstanding tremendous pressure from the very extreme liberal left. I want to respect the learning curve President Elect Obama will have to follow, but at the same time hold him accountable. He is for better or worse, my president too. (He’s not off to a very good start though.)

I had a lot of mixed feelings yesterday. It is truly wonderful that an African American man has become president of our country. In American anything really is possible! But Obama isn’t the ““Up from Slavery”
president. Let’s not re-write history folks. It would have been nice to have a hat tip to some of the other African Americans who have also reached high office in congress and the supreme court who really did overcome the American slavery experience, but I didn’t see anyone in the media or blogs acknowledge that. The executive branch was simple the last one to be achieved.

Liberal bloggers were ecstatic. Cecily waxed on about how this was justice after the election was stolen by Bush eight years ago. I assured her that no one would ever accuse Obama of stealing this election. In fact he bought it fair and square with millions of dollars of untracable funds, after he promised to just accept public funding. That comment disappeared, or at least I couldn’t find it again.

who voted for Obama told themselves that we just needed a “change.” That health care needs to be fixed, the war is too long, abortion isn’t the only issue, yada yada… Those folks drank a little too deeply of the Obama Kool Aid (which is an expression I had to explain to both of my teenage sons as they had heard the phrase but were unaware of the origin – now they know). Other Christians are patting themselves on the back for voting 3rd party, and from what I can gather are comforting themselves by thinking these are the last days I guess. And my nemesis Candy thinks Obama was elected because of the Jesuits. I kid you not.

In the meantime I think for pro-life conservative Christians, we have to keep the faith, we have to live the faith and we have to be more outspoken about it. Steve Kellmeyer notes that it took France just ten years to go from a monarchy to a dictatorship. As long as we have a constitution, congressmen only have a two year term and those elections are coming up in 2010. Senators have a six year term, and the president is up every four.   Let’s calm down, regroup, and prepare to make a “change” and send a message then.

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