The problems with leadership in the Diocese of Cleveland

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Guiding Catholic Voters: Who Speaks for Diocese of Cleveland? [Leader of fake Catholic group does]

A Sad Story in the Diocese of Cleveland

My impression as just a regular Jane Catholic is that Bishop Lennon is more of a business/administrator type than a teacher/spiritual leader kind of bishop. Which is unfortunate because his predecessor, Bishop Pilla was really wishy washy on church teaching too.

Ironically, the bishop is visiting my parish this weekend. I don’t know if they’re having a meet and great after mass like they did last time. I have mixed feelings about it if they do.

A very close Catholic friend and I were discussing the election last week. I started going on about my fears for the unborn and my friend said “you know, abortion isn’t the only issue. It’s probably not even the main issue.”

I was astonished. But why shouldn’t my friend say that? Our bishop hasn’t been sending letters or writing articles or showing up at pro-life rallies. The Bishop didn’t turn up to shake Sarah Palin’s hand as a show of support for her pro-life lifestyle. What the Bishops of Ohio seem to be the most concerned with is that we don’t get a casino in the state! I’m not lying!

So no wonder the faithful Catholics are a little confused on what their priorities should be!

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