- Riehl World View: Updated/Bumped: Diantha Harris Needs To Be FiredUh…wow. This teacher needs to be reprimanded.tags: education
- How to make roses from maple leaves | Monicel’s Blogtags: fun, artsandcrafts
- 45 Cooking & Baking Tips – A Collection Of Timeless Wisdom » TipNut.comJust in time for Thanksgiving baking and cookingtags: cooking, homemaking
- hope it isA fascinating blogtags: Catholic
- StumbleUpon Alerter – Blog – Adamant Solutions, Adelaide, South Australia – Web design, custom software development and website hostingMaking stumble easier!tags: stumble, stumbleupon
- Photos that Changed the WorldPowerful, some disturbing images of where we have been.tags: history, photography
- Obama: Choosing Family Dog Is a ‘Pressing Issue’ – FOXNews.com Electionstags: no_tag
Yes, this is a pressing issue!
“Okay, kids… now that the campaign’s over, this weekend we can either go puppy-shopping or fly out to Hawaii and pay our respects to “Tutu” and ensure she gets a proper burial. After all, she was like a mother to me and helped make me what I am today. What do you say? OK, dog-shopping it is!!!”
Reality check for all you folks who voted for him and thinks he cares about you and your problems… take a good hard look at how much care he is displaying for the woman who raised him like a son. You are a means to an end, my friends.
- Obama’s plans for your children « Stony Creek Digesttags: obama, homeschooling, education
- untitledtags: obama, politics
A President Obama would no doubt promote such proposals in his first year in office and a compliant, heavily-Democratic Congress would approve them promptly—perhaps making the benefits even more generous. This means that before the next election, tens of millions (probably hundreds of millions) of American families will take advantage of “free” pre-kindergarten education (and day care), as well as cheap, subsidized (to the tune of at least $160 billion per year) health insurance. The chances of ever taking away such goodies are nil—Presidents may come and go, but entitlements are forever. New government give-aways may accomplish nothing constructive but they’re all but impossible to eliminate once they’re up and running.
Consider Jimmy Carter’s horribly misguided establishment of two vast new cabinet level departments—the Department of Education and the Department of Energy. When the indignant public swept out of office the worst president of modern times, Reagan took the White House with talk of eliminating one or both of these two wasteful bureaucracies. Even the Great Gipper failed in this endeavor, and the Departments of Energy and Education continue to soak up hundreds of billions of tax dollars and to employ tens of thousands, despite their abject failure at improving either public education or our energy supplies.
- ADAM’S ALE: COLD CASE FILESFather V. shares a great true story!tags: Catholic, priest
- MzEllen & Co. | “Spreading the Wealth”Spreading the wealth- understanding on the micro level!tags: obama, politics
- And Sometimes Tea: A Vote For Obama IS a Vote For AbortionDon’t believe me? Just look here. It’s a campaign promise, true, but it’s a promise, nonetheless. If John McCain were promising to start more wars or make people poor, you might be able to draw some kind of moral equivalence (though abortion is still the graver evil). But when Obama actually promises to sign the Freedom of Choice Act as his first priority as president, trying to tell yourself that he’s really a fine choice for pro-life voters is an exercise in futility. He has promised to be the Abortion President, and that is exactly what he will be.tags: obama, abortion, catholic
- Happy Catholic: Christians, Slavery, and AbortionAn honest discussion on Catholics voting for pro-abortion candidatestags: abortion, obama, Catholic
I recently was in a scripture study class where unexpectedly the talk turned to abortion. We all were Catholics but soon I was face to face for the first time with people who were proclaiming their personal horror of abortion while simultaneously justifying their decisions to vote for a candidate on record as the most liberal, bar none, in voting for abortion. One of these was employing the usual knee-jerk argument although I think that she believed it sincerely, she just never had actually looked into the facts of the matter. A couple of others, who I like very much, were more thoughtful and clearly had put a great deal of thought into this matter. Nevertheless, their decision was more about themselves and their feelings than it was about the facts of the matter
- Flickr: The one quilt PoolBeautiful quilting squarestags: artsandcrafts, sewing
- Here in the Bonny Glen: Speech and Other Services: Schools or Medical?Melissa Wiley discusses the pros and cons of using services via the school or the medical system. tags: speech, homeschool
- 10 reasons to be happy about the election!tags: politics
- Archbishop Chaput eager to see Kmiec deliver a pro-life Obamatags: catholic, obama
- LaPaz Home Learning » participating in historyThis was sad and the comments of the hostess even sadder. It was with deep regret, that I unsubbed.tags: no_tag
- Documentation on the Cause of our Economic Crisis – From Investor’s Business Daily | The HiveCan we blame Obama for the economic crisis? Of course not. He’s only been a senator for two years! (don’t get me started) But the roots of this mess are decidedly blue. Here’s a timeline.tags: economy, history, politics
My Daily Domestic Diigolet 11/08/2008
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