- In the Heart of my HomeA wonderful essay by Elizabeth Fosstags: politics, abortion
Back in February, my children rudely asked a woman we know how she had cast her ballot in the Virginia primary. She named a candidate who is adamantly pro-choice. They were horrified. “How can you vote for someone who is for abortion?” one of them blurted indignantly.
“I’m more concerned with the people who are already alive than the ones who aren’t yet,” came the steady reply.
I’m ashamed to admit that an uncomfortable silence settled over the room. We were stunned and I was too intimidated by the context of the conversation to say anything more. I still regret that.
And so this pregnancy has progressed. It began early in the election season and has unfolded rather dramatically, a parallel story to the drama in our nation. I lie here on my side now, day after day, counting every precious kick, taking care not to turn the wrong way or sneeze without protecting my belly. Just one life—just one precious child—has a whole army of people working hard to protect her very existence, while out there in the world thousands of people throng at campaign events for a man who has said he wouldn’t want his daughters punished with a baby. In the years since our country legalized abortion, nearly 50 million tiny lives have been ended. While I lie here and pray that my baby is healthy and is born well, I watch in horror as throngs of people cheer a man who would make abortion even more accessible.
What treasures women are privileged to hold within them! What creatures of infinite value! Our Lord tells us to fear not. He values us and He values the tiny baby whose wisps of hair can be seen and counted by us well before she is born. Who knows the plans He had for those 50 million babies? And who knows the plans He had for their mothers, plans for their good and the good of their souls? There is a man out there being likened to a Messiah. He promises to allow harm to come to the babies. From my horizontal perspective, here in this bed, the irony is heartbreaking.
- Marjorie Dannenfelser : Beyond Wardrobe: Sarah Palin Speaks for Special Needs Children – Townhall.comtags: Sarah, Palin
Her child, my child, and every special needs child, are not to be pitied. They are to be emulated. What a salve to the soul that Palin understands and articulates this. It brings so many special people and their families out of the shadows and into the limelight. They have so much to be proud of, and she helps them recognize that.
How does she have such a beautiful perspective? Because she sees the power, value, necessity and joy inherent in each individual life. It takes different eyes to see that, and a different voice – a mother’s voice – to articulate it.
- Marjorie Dannenfelser : Beyond Wardrobe: Sarah Palin Speaks for Special Needs Children – Townhall.comtags: no_tag
To all those feminist organizations so deeply threatened by her pro-life political position and meteoric rise, I have a message: Shut up and listen. She is the future.
No matter how one tries to destroy her, this woman’s core values do not change. She knows who she is – and her outfits are not central to it. What is central are the timeless principles she embodies and seeks to advance. Her focus is on the obligations that we have to our children, our families and our nation.
When she is ridiculed for her decision to bring her son Trig, diagnosed with Down syndrome, into the world and then bring him along on the campaign, she only becomes stronger.
- Floyd and Mary Beth Brown : If Obama Can’t Win It He’ll Steal It – Townhall.comObam is stealing this electiontags: politics, obama
“The group’s voter-registration fraud is rampant,” reported Investor’s Business Daily. “In Nevada, state officials say the fraudulent registrations included forms for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys football team, including Tony Romo. Nevada, along with several other key battleground states, requires no ID to vote.”
“No ID to vote?” Even countries like Mexico have far more secure election systems than ours, says expert John Fund, author of “Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy.” “To obtain voter credentials, the citizen must present a photo, write a signature and give a thumbprint. The voter card includes a picture with a hologram covering it, a magnetic strip and a serial number to guard against tampering.” In order to vote, the individual is required to present the card and submit to a thumbprint scan. Fund credits this system for securing the election of the first opposition candidate for president of Mexico, Vincente Fox. It was the first change of political party in 70 years when Fox was elected
Despite all the documented evidence tying Obama to ACORN and the overwhelming stench of impropriety, Barack Obama has the unmitigated gall to deny his connection to this far-left, socialist organization.
ACORN is the same group that pressured banking institutions into making the toxic loans that are at the heart of our current financial crisis
Barack Obama should announce to the public that he is committed to free, fair and honest elections and if any of his campaign workers encouraging election cheating, he will immediately dismiss them. It is incumbent upon him to set a high standard. Instead, we hear silence from him about the prospect of rampant fraud and a stolen election.
- Michael Reagan : You Can’t Be Half-Socialist – Townhall.comtags: no_tag
Call Barack Obama’s program socialism, however and he’ll swear on a stack of Qurans it isn’t. He calls it change. He says it’s fairness, not Marxism.
To anyone familiar with socialism, Obama’s programs fit comfortably within the pages of Karl Marx’s playbook, the root of which is the redistribution of the wealth, the key to the entire Obamian vault. What’s mine is yours, and he’s the middle man.
It’s socialism lite, and it can only evolve into socialism heavy. Remember, you can’t be half-socialist, and Barack Obama knows it
- Michael Reagan : You Can’t Be Half-Socialist – Townhall.comLack of proper historical education on this founding of the country has lead some people to ask, “why not socialism?” OK – here are some reasons why. First off – it doesn’t work!tags: politics, socialism
- Deputy: Grave robbery evidence to undergo DNA testmore information on the grave robbing of Baby Locke. tags: death, grief
- Intellectuals for McCainyoutubes by regular folks, with higher degrees, for McCaintags: politics
My Daily Domestic Diigolet 11/01/2008
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