Election reaction

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The Fifth Column: Where Sin Abounds: “1) If Obama is as incompetent as FDR – and from all the signs, he’s got FDR handily beat in this area – Obama’s economy is certain to enter an extended and deep recession, probably a depression. Unemployment will rise to at least 7%, probably more like 10-12%. This will last at least four years, because we won’t be in a position to vote these bozos out for at least that long.

The consequences at the local level?

a) Donations are certain to drop like a rock.
b) Catholic schools will go out of business in droves.

Diocesan and parish staff will disappear. All of this is going to hurt heretical Catholics a lot more than the orthodox. Orthodox Catholics are used to having no resources so it doesn’t bother them at all, but without schools and parish religious ed programs to propagate the insanity, heresy won’t have the constant nurture it needs to survive.

c) Increase in the Extraordinary Form.
Parishes will need to increase their revenues. Most priest won’t want to offer the EF so whoever does it first will suffer less of a decline than the surrounding parishes, because the EF parish will siphon off the most reliable tithers – the orthodox Catholics – from surrounding parishes.

From Amy Welborn’s blog quoting Martin Fox:

Obama may end up with a similar bulge in both houses – but what did that buy Clinton? If Obama is stupid enough (as was Clinton) to believe he is being elected because people want him, rather than want the previous President (in both cases, a Bush) gone, he will probably indulge in the same sort of over-reach, with, I predict, the same sort of results.

Think about it this way: if aging hack John McCain, unable to enthuse his own base, running after a disastrous eight years of a George W. Bush administration, in the face of an utterly hostile mainstream media, a collapsing economy, and the as-yet undetermined aftermath of an unpopular foreign war, can still be near or within the polling margin of error, this is not a liberal nation, or one panting for an Obama administration.

Well, that’s not the Catholic part. But I thought it was good. So, here:

It is true, and dismaying, that Obama got a bigger share of Catholic voters this time; but: when you break out weekly attendees vs. non-regular Mass-goers, it’s like this:

Mass-goers: McCain 54/Obama 45 Bush 56/Kerry 43
Non-Mass goers: McCain 37/ Obama 61 Bush 49/Kerry 50

That tells me something very significant: that regular Mass-goers, who were just as affected by all the other concerns, understood the prolife issue as much as they did four years ago. Obama did not improve his position with them significantly, in a year when he had every reason to do so, but for one: the prolife issue.

Of course, many will see the 45% that voted for Obama, and be unhappy about that; all I can do is point out Kerry got very nearly as much, and remember, folks were talking about what an accomplishment it was that Bush got 56% of these folks only four years ago. McCain got only a little bit less in a terrible economy.

The Anchoress -stop freaking out!

Jay Anderson

(1) Pray for President-elect Obama. He will need our prayers over the next 4 years. He is taking on the biggest job in the world, and he is, quite honestly, woefully ill-prepared for it. I do not say that to belittle him, only to note his level of inexperience and the need for our prayers that he will live up to the job he has been given. Also pray for President-elect Obama to have a change of heart on matters of the sanctity of life and marriage. If he is as reasonable and open to the views of pro-lifers as his Catholic proponents claim him to be, then I’m sure he will appreciate those prayers.

A must read from the American Papist

Chuck Norris!

Abortion is not about a woman’s “right to choose.” It is about a more fundamental “right to life,” which is one of three specifically identified unalienable rights in the Declaration (and the Constitution through Article VII and the Bill of Rights). And it is a violation of government’s primary purpose: to protect innocent life.

We can couch our action in terms like “abortion,” “termination” or “a women’s right to choose,” but it’s still the killing of an “inconvenient” human life. And it won’t end there. As my friend and prolific author Randy Alcorn wrote, “Abortion has set us on a dangerous course. We may come to our senses and back away from the slippery slope. Or we may follow it to its inescapable conclusion – a society in which the powerful, for their self-interest, determine which human beings will live and which will die.”

Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1809, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.” He was not, of course, writing about the America of today, with state-sanctioned and even subsidized abortion, and a movement to promote the killing of the elderly through euthanasia. But he could have been. His belief in what should be “the first and only legitimate object of government” should still stand. Like Jefferson, our next president needs to uphold those same concerns, not say that such arenas are “above his pay grade.” If he and his administration won’t protect the rights of the living (even in the womb), then who will? A left-leaning Congress?

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