Works for Me Wednesday – walking plan.

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I was in the library last week and came across some Weight Watchers Magazines from this year! Turns out they have been having a walking for fitness program in each of their 2008 issues. They have a breakdown of walking and cardio for each week and it’s on a beginner, intermediate and marathon level! I checked out the January issue but then I found they have it online!

Here is the Weight Watcher’s Walking Clinic
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

I haven’t seen part 5 online yet, but it is in the current issue.

Mr. Pete and I did a lot of walking this summer, but as he got busier with work and having problems with a painful corn, I’m more on my own now. And as I am someone who likes to chart progress and meet goals, this is a nice well thought out program to follow!

Works for Me!

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