Peeking in on my blog

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It seemed that every time I sat down to blog over the past few days the phrase “and you have time to blog” kept coming into my head. I heard that a couple of times over the summer when friends and family were discovering that I kept a blog and it was a little unnerving. Not accusatory, but more a shock and awe type of thing like, “you homeschool, you work from home, you keep house and you blog!!” like I was Wonderwoman or something. It was just a little thing, but something in me clicked a little bit and when I sit down to blog now, I start thinking about something else I could be doing – something for the kids, for the house, or something that I’ll get paid for, like medical transcription. So I just did those things instead. Particularly at the end of the month when payment is about to be calculated, I thought it better to work than to blog.

Nonetheless, we did celebrate the Feast of the Archangels on Sunday evening. We invited some friends over who have four children ages 15 to 1. Calvin even brought his girlfriend Sarah and we had a very nice evening. Just like last year we had that chicken and angel hair pasta dish which was so yummy, I wonder why I don’t make that more than once a year. Our guests brought fruit salad and angel food cake. We had deviled eggs, devils food cake, and 7Up salad. Sarah thought I would be upset with her for bringing a desert that wasn’t exactly on “theme.” She brought a cherry crumb pie, and I told her she was an angel to bring it! There wasn’t a bit of it left over either! It was a big hit! I will never get mad at someone for bringing a great desert!

As the fates would have it, Gabe is serving all of the morning masses this week. I think this is a great week to serve! He served on his actual feast day, and on the Feasts of St. Jerome and St. Theresa. He will get to do The Feast of the Guardian Angels and first Friday! He really got a good week!

Google has finally started to recognize my blog again since moving to my own domain name. I got my 4 out of 10 rating back again. That seems to be the typical rating for long-term blogs written by regular people for years, and years and years. I will probably use the opportunity to blog more against the Obama campaign. The coverage of the campaign is so one sided, and the powers that be seem to be so willing to give Obama and Biden a pass, I almost think it will take a grass roots effort by conservatives to win this election. So I’m in. The prospect of a radical left-wing administration is scary enough to make it worth the effort and the probable hassles that will come with it.

As for the financial mess, Mr. Pete and I remain pretty much unscathed. If you don’t have any money you can’t lose any money. If our mortgage companies and credit cards lower our credit limit it could hurt our FICO scores, but as the last thing I want now is more debt anyway, that could be a good thing. The price of gas and natural gas has come down as a result of the crisis and that is an inadvertent good thing. I am hopeful that this will not be the great depression after all, but a real slow time of re-growth. Of course if the socialist agenda of Obama gets put into play, that could tank the entire thing.

On that note, I’ll share this clip of Obama kissing babies. I found it on Cecily’s blog where everyone is gushing about how sweet he is with the little children. Well – yea, I guess as long as the kid didn’t have the audacity to survive an abortion attempt, or “punish” one of his daughters by being born, then I guess he likes them. I’m rather surprised though because I honestly didn’t think the man liked babies much. I thought the clip was rather creepy.

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