Life of the Mother

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Is it November 5 yet? I wish I could just go to bed and sleep until this entire ugly election is OVER. I am so tired of worrying and arguing and debating inane stuff regarding this election.

Obama is the new Teflon King. He makes Bill Clinton look like an amateur. Hanging with terrorists or racist hate mongers, throw dying babies in a soiled linen closet, threaten to tax us into oblivion – none of it seems to bother the zombie like hold he has on whoever they are finding to poll these days. He is the “anointed one.”

I thought John McCain rocked last night. I was heartened to see that other folks did too, because the dream team at Fox News last night didn’t I had to make sure I wasn’t watching CNN by accident! Frankly there was little difference between the two (except I noted the CNN pundits all had nice little lap tops on their desks so… there ya go!

I have come to the conclusion that to be a liberal you have to be able to stretch reality to breaking point, and then keep stretching it. There is no logic, there is only emotion. That’s why Obama plays so great on t.v. He speaks with eloquence, he looks good on t.v., he remains calm (I still think he has a flat affect) and that makes people “feel good.” He also is a convincing liar. He lied big time about his stand on infanticide last night. He reminds me of the kids in the neighborhood. Last summer a kid in the hood stole a bike. Kids SAW him steel it, but he kept denying it. Around here kids will lie and lie and lie until I kind of think they convince themselves that they are telling the truth. I’m not sure how adults make that jump but I know Obama did. I looked at his record on this Illinois infants born alive thing and I knew the history. He. simply. lied. on national t.v.

But what amazes me is the reaming Senator McCain is taking on some liberal blogs.

When you discussed partial birth abortion and used quotes around the “health” of a mother, claiming that the idea of preserving a woman’s health has been “stretched” so that woman can just go ahead and abort babies willy-nilly whenever they want showed your true colors. You really ARE a small-minded anti-choice hater of women.

If I tell you that the day my doctor performed my life-saving medical termination of my pregnancy was the worst day of his professional career, in your mind he’s a callous murderer willing to kill children.

In your mind, women like me are sluts that got what we deserve
Women don’t matter to you.

So you know what? Forget about not swearing. I’ll end this with how I really feel.

F*** you, Senator McCain. F*** you.

Mc Cain did not say anything remotely hateful, he didn’t call any one a slut, he didn’t call any physicians callous, he didn’t use any ad hominem terms at all. His exact words on the topic were:

“Let me talk to you about an important aspect of this issue. We have to change the culture of America. Those of us who are proudly pro-life understand that. And it’s got to be courage and compassion that we show to a young woman who’s facing this terribly difficult decision.”

“Then there was another bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the state of Illinois not that long ago, where he voted against a ban on partial-birth abortion, one of the late-term abortion, a really — one of the bad procedures, a terrible. And then, on the floor of the Illinois State Senate, he voted present”

Here he criticized the procedure but again he didn’t give any judgmental comments that I can see from the transcripts towards providers or from women.

“But that does not mean that we will cease to protect the rights of the unborn. Of course, we have to come together. Of course, we have to work together, and, of course, it’s vital that we do so and help these young women who are facing such a difficult decision, with a compassion, that we’ll help them with the adoptive services, with the courage to bring that child into this world and we’ll help take care of it.”

I don’t see how there can ever be any common ground or coming together of these two factions when each side “thinks” they hear the other side say something else and starts reaming them for that, instead of what was ACTUALLY SAID. (and yes, I wrote that in the com section of that blog WITH my name, which the blogger removed.)
Update:  The blogger e-mailed me and said she didn’t remove my name.  I’m so use to these com boxes filling in my information especially when I visit or comment often that it is entirely possible that it just didn’t put it in this time and I didn’t notice it.  My bad.  Apologies for the misunderstanding.

McCain is taking heat for using the air quotes around the term “Health of the mother.”  Anyone who has spent a great deal of time on the pro-life front knew what he meant – Health of the mother is a catch all loophole phrase that means “for any reason, at any time.”

Monte Harm explains this well in his article from last August:

Over the years since Roe v. Wade, many have stated that they are against abortion unless it’s for the health of the mother. This exception is common when legislation concerning abortion is debated. What does “health of the mother” really mean? In the case of Doe v. Bolton in 1973, the Supreme Court issued their opinion about it. In this companion case to Roe v. Wade, the Court stated that a woman may obtain an abortion after viability, if necessary to protect her “health.” The Court defined “health” as:

“Whether, in the words of the Georgia statute, “an abortion is necessary” is a professional judgment that the Georgia physician will be called upon to make routinely. We agree with the District Court, 319 F. Supp., at 1058, that the medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors – physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age – relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.”*

In other words, the “woman’s health” aspect could cover almost any reason for abortion. A woman could say that her child would cause her stress, or she is not ready to have a family, and that would be sufficient.

 But of course, that’s not “emotional.”  Logic and ration would require liberal pro-choicers to admit that this is of course correct.  But it’s more fun to beat up McCain than to actually admit that what he was saying has some merit.

And that’s why  it is just getting unbearable to read these blogs right now. 

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