The Holy Card Meme

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Father V. tagged me for the Holy Card meme! I spotted it last night and I really have been thinking about it off and on (with the Palin/Binden debate).

As I understand it, I am supposed to say what I think the person who tagged me should be the patron of! I think Father V. could be the patron saint of the Young Fogey Priests.
That’s a term coined by Andrew Greeley back in 2004 and he had a lot to say about it, but what struck me was this sentence: “My most recent analysis … reveals a striking trend: A generation of conservative young priests is on the rise in the U.S. Church.” To which I say Hooray! Father V. has only been with us a short time, but I love some of the small aesthetic changes he has brought back already such as the flags in the church and outside the rectory (I love hanging the flag outside of my home as well!), kneelers for the couples getting married, and most importantly, the bells rung by the altar servers during the consecration. I also love it when he does the different eucharistic prayers, particularly the one with Malchezidek in it because I use to hear that one all the time when I was growing up, but my kids (and most of the kids in Mr. Pete’s 6th grade PSR class) have no clue who that even is!!These are just little things but they really mean a lot, they symbolize much and they just give a certain feel to the parish. I applaud it. So Father V. I hope that you take that totally as a compliment- because that is how I mean it!

Now for myself – I have no doubt that I will be spending LOTS of time in purgatory! Should I manage to make it to official canonized sainthood, I would either like a picture like this

A Christmas 2005 040

because it is one of my favorites taken with my baby born to me in my 46th year… or something like this

or this

which is probably more realistic!

And I would hope to be the patron of uncatechized Catholics, mothers of stillborn children, moms of tots and teens, late in life moms, wives of small business owners, medical transcriptionists, and opinionated mommy bloggers!

Passing this on to



and Mallory!

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