The Debate – My Analysis

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I actually was on Twitter during the debate last night- I loved it. That was the first time I have done any type of “real life” kind of blogging thing and it was great to be able to get my thoughts on the keyboard right away.

I think McCain did great last night. He got some points out there that needed to be talked about, like Obama’s association with Bill Ayers and his radical stand on abortion. It’s good that finally came out.

Senator Obama is very good in these types of situations. He is calm, his voice stays even, I would say he almost has a flat affect. People, at least the spin doctors after the debates, seem to like that. But the substance of what he says is simply lacking and he flat out lied about his votes on the Infant Born Alive act, and he never addressed how a vote of “present” is anything but a cop out.

All and all I felt McCain either won or tied the debate. He lost the spinning and analysis after the debate. I listened to Fox news and CNN and both seemed to suggest that McCain attacked too much (I felt he could have done more!) and that Obama was just smoother. I’m not sure that being a good camera personality is the number one quality we want in a president, but the professional analysts seemed to think so.

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