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It took me a long time to get excited about the election this year, but now that the conventions are OVER (and we can get back to regular television programming!) I am more than just concerned about the outcomes of this year’s election, but I am excited about the prospect of having a lady like Sarah Palin at such a high level in the executive branch!

It was kind of fun watching the Republicans at the convention. White guys in suits, for the most part, can’t dance. They certainly shouldn’t be televised doing it, but it was amusing to watch them try. It was great to watch the convention with my 19 year old son and realize that the Republicans can have cute girls at their convention too. But what’s up with all the hecklers and demonstrators? I always think it is these extremist wackos that make the Democrats look bad.

I did not see all of McCain’s speech last night. I heard some of Cindy McCain’s speech on the radio. I never knew much about her before this week. She’s not a great orator but she spoke with grace and humor and I think it’s clear that she really admires her husband. She seems like a quality person.

We all come to that knowledge in different ways. For me, the great moment of clarity was when I became a mother. Something changed in me. I would never see my obligations the same way again.

It was after that I was walking through the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh, surrounded by terrible poverty and the devastation of a cyclone. All around me were the children and the desperate faces of their mothers. The pain was overwhelming, and I felt helpless.

But then I visited an orphanage begun by Mother Teresa, and two very sick little girls captured my heart. There was something I could do. I could take them home, and so I did.

Now John McCain is no Ronald Regan, and he isn’t even a Sarah Palin! Oratory isn’t his gift either!! But that’s okay. He said what he needed to say and by the end of the speech he had the convention hall with him.  Being a good public speaker isn’t the only or even the best quality needed in a strong leader.

I’ve read and heard a lot about how McCain’s POW experience doesn’t make him a better candidate than Senator Obama.  I think that misses the point.  That experience and the way Senator McCain handled himself through the experience shows us a measure of the man.  It illustrates, courage, determination, self-denial, sacrifice, and a strong focus.  Those are the things that DO make him a compelling candidate

I think choosing Sarah Palin for his running mate moved McCain up a few notches in everyone’s estimation.  Rush Limbaugh called him “McBrilliant” for the pick.  And we know it was a great pick because it has so much of the extreme left agitated!

I think it’s a hoot that the Dems are offended that many of us cried foul at the way Sarah Palin’s family has been dragged into the slime this week, complaining that it’s “no fair” since Hillary and Michelee have had to endure criticism for months.  I’m sorry but did anyone criticize Chelsea?  or want to know who she was dating?  or did anyone ask if Michelle really birthed Malia or Sasha? or criticize where or how she chose to endure labor and delivery?  I don’t think being pro life or supporting family values means your kids become fair game for scrutiny and criticism. 

There are a couple of places to keep checking in with the next couple of weeks.  Of course there is the
election novena and the Novena for Life.
Catholics against Joe Biden. Priests for Life Election Center.

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