My Daily Domestic Diigolet 09/24/2008

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  • Secrets of the Human BodySome interesting suggestions here. The tickle in the throat remedy by manipulating the ear suggestion worked for me!tags: fun, resources, health
  • Garie’s Clay Creations: How to create a cute furry teddy bear using polymer clay and pipe cleanertags: fun, artsandcrafts
  • twelve22tags: sewing, artsandcrafts, fun
  • Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need |For those readers who still think Obama had little to nothing to do with the Born Alive legislation – Pam Sutherland from Planned Parenthood CONFIRMS ON OBAMA”S WEB SITE that they strategized together ways for Democrats to oppose the legislation. tags: Obama, politics, abortion
    • Pam Sutherland Confirmed: Planned Parenthood Says Obama’s Present Votes On Choice Are “Leadership Votes.” “‘We at Planned Parenthood view those as leadership votes,’ Pam Sutherland, the president and CEO of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council, told ABC News. ‘We worked with him specifically on his strategy. The Republicans were in control of the Illinois Senate at the time. They loved to hold votes on ‘partial birth’ and ‘born alive’. They put these bills out all the time . . . because they wanted to pigeonhole Democrats…Sutherland said Obama approached her in the late 1990s and worked with her and others in crafting the strategy of voting ‘present.’ She remembers meeting with Obama outside of the Illinois Senate chambers on the Democratic side of the aisle. She and Obama finished their conversation in his office. ‘He came to me and said: ‘My members are being attacked. We need to figure out a way to protect members and to protect women,’ said Sutherland in recounting her conversation with Obama. ‘A present vote was hard to pigeonhole which is exactly what Obama wanted.’ [ABC, 7/17/07]
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