Abstinence education

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Now it appears that the rumors that Governor Palin’s baby is actually her daughter’s son are false – because Governor Palin’s daughter is actually 5 months pregnant according to
Msnbc.com. So now the Daily Kos is ragging on about how abstinence education doesn’t work and the daughter would have been better served with education on safe sex.


Because kids who know about contraceptives ALWAYS use them and use them correctly and never have unplanned pregnancies. Further, none of those pre-marital hookups ever cause broken hearts, low self-esteem or other psychological or emotional damage because, kids will be kids after all. (tongue firmly implanted in cheek).

This entire thing has been very enlightening so thanks Daily Kos for the great weekend reading. Because of the exposure to your caustic world view I am more firmly voting against the Democratic ticket than ever!

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