An epiphany moment on blog debates

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I recently have come to the conclusion that I have been played like a Stradivarius! And what’s worse it was my own introspection and lack of self-confidence that allowed it to happen. But now that I’ve seen it I’d like to offer some quick blogging debate tips.

1. When you discuss or debate issues it is fine to be clear, concise and straightforward. In fact I think it’s even better because it leaves little room for doubt about what you are trying to get across – and in a medium where it is hard to hear tone or see body language, having a clear message is crucial.

2. Don’t take criticism about discussing a “personal private matter.” The world wide web is not a personal private place. If it’s on a public blog it is fair to comment on it.

3. When the discussion turns into “who said what and when” – the debate is over. Rehashing the debate means that the focus is off of the original topic and onto the individual personalities.

4. Along the same line, don’t let your performance in the discussion become the new topic. That is an escape tactic to get the spotlight off of the original topic. And this was the one I fell for. I became interested in defending myself. I went from being a commenter to being the topic!

5. As long as you keep your comments civil and appropriate and keep copies of everything, you don’t have to worry about #4. And luckily, I do.

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