Works for Me Wednesday – birthing position.

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I guess this is my summer to get all of this “birth stuff” out of my head and onto the blog and the Works for Me Wednesday Forum seems to be a perfect forum to share them. I hope my girls and my nieces can find some future use for this stuff!

I wrote a bit last year about how a good birthing position can make all the difference between a safe and quick delivery and possibly a surgical one. I really think that made all the difference for me.  As I shared last year, my first birth ended up in a C-section for CPD (cephalopelvic disproportion) and yet six years later I delivered an even bigger baby naturally at home!  The difference was the birth position.

I wrote: 
With my first birth I was tethered to the bed. I was not allowed to get up and walk much for “insurance reasons” and certainly not after they broke my water (without my informed consent I might add). My pushing was all done uphill on my back and as it turns out, this did not help my baby’s posterior position.

I later learned that squatting can open up the pelvic outlet by 30% and I discovered with all of my other vaginal births that squatting was my key for a normal vaginal delivery.

I had an opportunity to see the film, Birth in the Squatting Position  at an ICAN meeting after my first son’s birth and it was life changing.  That film gave me the confidence to try birthing again.  To give you somewhat of an idea of what that film is like,here is a Youtube birth of a woman in a supported squat position having a lovely peaceful delivery with her husband and a midwife.

Birth and Squatting on the Web
Squatting in pregnancy.

Works for Me!

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