Scripture Alive

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In April, Ted Kennedy receives the Eucharist at a Papal Mass.

In May, Ted Kennedy has a stroke and is diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.

Is there a connection?

Some would point out that engaging in Ted Kennedy’s kind of behaviour is explicitly warned against by several leading experts. For instance, St. Paul points out:

Is there a connection?  Steve Kellmeyer makes a compelling and a scriptural case.

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  1. As I posted on the original blog, the idea that disease is a result of sin is abhorent.

    What sin did I committ that I have an eating disorder?

  2. I had to stop reading his blog; he has some really good things to say, but sometimes his errors just make me angry.

    Given that a bishop has the duty to teach to the Church universal, with a particular stress on safeguarding the reception of sacraments within his own diocese
    Not true. A bishop has the duty to teach within his particular church, not the universal church – that is the responsibility of the pope. A bishop is to have a particular concern for the universal church, but that’s a very different thing. Lumen Gentium addresses this very issue.

    To claim that God would give Ted Kennedy a brain tumor right after receiving the Eucharist… just left me shaking my head. Does that mean that everyone who commits a sacrilege will be struck down by something equally dramatic as soon as they sin? That is NOT a Catholic understanding of God.

  3. I agree with Anna and Amy. How far do you take that kind of reasoning?
    If a small child is diagnosed with leukemia, is that God punishing the child for something? Or maybe punishing the parents?
    If someone gets sick do we just assume they had it coming and not treat them as not to interfere with the will of God?

    What about countries stricken with AIDs? Sin on a massive scale? They are just not God’s chosen people.

    It seems like a really horrible way of looking at the world.

  4. I think its absolutely ghoulish to say that illness is caused by sin. How would you react if someone said the tragic loss of your son was the result of your sins? This post is in really poor taste.

  5. Thanks for the comments.

    Lindsay, this is my blog and one of the reasons I keep it is to make note of things that interest me or catch my attention. This certainly caught my attention!

    I’m not sure that I agree with Steve’s assessment 100%.

    I do think that sometimes hardships have a way of bringing us closer to God. I know my stillbirth experience was surprisingly tender in that in my sorrow and grief I grew stronger in my faith and closer to God.

    So maybe, illness, hardship, etc. is a result of sin because it is God’s attempt to bring us closer to Himself? A chance to repent and improve? I’d like to think so. I think God is all about second, third, fourth etc. chances.

  6. Sometimes suffering is not a punishment. Sometimes it is a cure.

  7. The whole idea that God uses disease as a punishment for sin, or even as a “wake up call” to cause sinners to repent is so repugnant to me that I had to write my own responce to it:

    No wonder there are atheists.

  8. I haven’t blogged about this much Anna, but back in high school, I too had an eating disorder. At 5 feet 5 I got down to 98 pounds, was growing dark hair all over my body, stopped menstruating – the real deal.

    Did I “do” anything to deserve that? I can’t say. Was it the result of sin? I don’t know about that either. I do know it started off to be partly about vanity, how did I look, was I pretty, was I skinny enough – and then later about control and happiness. I do know that my anorexia was very self focused on me, me, me. I also know that must sin is also the result of too much self-focus.

    I don’t find the idea of God using illness, disease, hard times etc for something good. Because if God isn’t involved in it somehow, that means it’s all for nothing and that really is abhorent to me.

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