Sam and Faith

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This weekend Sam, my right hand man, is attending a Franciscan University Youth Conference in Steubenville, OH with 45 other teenagers from a local church. They will join up with over 2000 other teens for an AMAZING faith filled weekend!

If you’ve never heard of the Youth Conferences, here is a short demo to give you an idea what it is like.

Sam went last year when he was 14. He attended with our homeschool youth. Calvin and Mr. Pete went as well. But this year, I couldn’t come up with the money in time for him to go with the homeschoolers, so he is going with the youth from a neighboring Catholic church. He only knows one other kid, and of course neither is dad or his big brother will be with him. But I have confidence that he will make some friends and have a good time. This morning Sam wasn’t even nervous about it, in fact he was pretty psyched!

Tonight he will have some fun and dinner, but there will also be adoration with the entire community in attendance. Tomorrow he will have more workshops and then mass. Throughout the weekend there will be opportunities to get to confession. Then Sunday morning they have breakfast, another awesome mass, and then on the bus for home!

The youth leader for this church is a youthful young man, probably between 25 and 35 years of age. He has a lot of enthusiasm. Before the kids left today he made them form a circle and do the shout out prayer. That’s where they go around the circle and each kid shouts out in one word what they want from the weekend. I couldn’t hear what Sam said, but I heard several kids say, “guidance,” and “direction.”

I pray that Sam gets everything out of this special weekend that he can. I pray that the other teens find what they are seeking from the Holy Spirit this weekend as well.

In the meantime, I’m missing my Sam, but I’m very proud of him too.

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1 Comment

  1. Way to go Sam!!
    My friend Meredith’s hubby is our youth director and he is 32 yrs old and is very much the way you described this youth director.. the kids really like him and relate to him and he makes learning about God and the church so much fun for them. Hope Sam has a wonderful expierence.

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