Intelligence Report | PARADE Magazine

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Intelligence Report | PARADE Magazine

This is a heavily edited version of my original post, which was totally being misunderstood.

Parade magazine had a small article about homeschooling and is running a poll: Should parents need teaching credentials to home-school their kids?

Go read it. If you’re interested, vote as you will.

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  1. Although I do not believe that a certification is necessary to homeschool, you did not attend a BS in education did you? I would say that the LAST thing I learned was management and structure. I was taught content- which was a wide spread for elementary. To teach middle school a teacher here must have 30 hours of content (mine is 30 hours of Social Studies). High School here is 45 hours (a bit past a Masters) in that content.
    I do not slam homeschooling- and I try not to give misinformation about something I don’t really know the current information on.

  2. My mother is a 30+ year public school veteran with a masters degree. She is also my strongest homeschool advocate and taught Sam from kindergarten until eight grade.

  3. It’s at 95% in favor of not requiring a degree. I don’t particularly like this paragraph, though:

    “If upheld, the California ruling will send shock waves nationwide,” says Richard Kahlenberg, the author of a number of books on education. He says the case “pits those who believe parental rights are paramount against those who place a premium on well-educated citizens.”
    (emphasis mine)

    Why don’t I like it? Because I, too, place a premium on well-educated citizens. I just happen to think the best education can (and often is) gotten at home.

  4. I disagree that, in general, the best education to be had is at home. I contend that maybe 20% of the population could educate after third grade at home. Most of those people are above average in IQ to begin with- and have the resources (or are willing to do without) to take the time to homeschool their children. In general that is not the population.
    And Ell- if your mother’s degree was in classroom management and structure- she probably did not get it in the last 20 years….
    Once again- I have nothing against homeschooling, and the Calif law is out of control (what else is new), but there are also many good things about public schooling (of which most of us are products of- even Catholic school is a public institution).

  5. You are correct Christine, that was definitely a false dilemma fallacy!

  6. Janette, you’re saying that only 20% could teach at the 3rd grade level, and that the majority of those were taught in the public schools… what does that say about a public school education that a graduate couldn’t teach past the third grade? Huh?

    Look I’m not picking a fight with you. I’m just saying that I don’t need to be a credentialed teacher to teach at home because part of that credential is the ability to handle 30 kids of varying degrees in a classroom setting! I’m not doing that, so I don’t need it!

    There are times Janette when I really feel that you want to fight with me. I wish you would stop.

  7. I am not picking a fight- I am NOT questiong YOUR credentials to teach. I would say that the majority of the US population would have NO idea what to do with a kid past third grade (and I was generous- I would say the teaching of reading is the most complicated of tasks- even though it is developmental. You need to work through WHAT needs to be presented for EVERY child to read- which you did with your crew).
    Could parents DO third grade work- I sure hope so- I hope that they can do whatever they were taught- but being able to PRESENT that work to another is a totally different thing. Taking the time to gather the materials, presenting in a way that gets to the child,etc. That- Ell- is a COMPLEMENT to you! You are a great teacher from what I have read.
    What I was questioning is your assertion that I and your mother only studied classroom management and structure in college-
    “Teacher’s training is about classroom management and structure. When kids are having a problem then send them to have one-on-one time- with a TUTOR!!”
    – which would be incorrect. I stated that teacher education has changed vastly in the last 20 years. To imply that I do not teach- I only classroom manage is an insult. Basically, those teachers who only manage left the classroom in the last 10 years.
    Parenting has also changed. Some (I would tend to say many) parents give up most parenting because of _____ (you could fill in – not interested, no discipline foundation, more interest in sports, work, going out, child is always right, many other reasons I have heard lately)I don’t know one reason. I have seen that change in the last 25 years. The tutoring you see in the public square comes in the rise of parent “disemgagement”- for that “tutoring” used to be done after school – AT HOME (called homework – which is vastly discouraged by parents these days).
    I would tend to say that neither of these reflect what EITHER of us is about.
    Are you really asserting that ALL of your neighbors and friends have the ability to homeschool at this point and time? Not changing ANY of their circumstances?
    If you do- then maybe I am picking a fight and I will drop the subject.

  8. What I was questioning is your assertion that I and your mother only studied classroom management and structure in college-
    “Teacher’s training is about classroom management and structure. When kids are having a problem then send them to have one-on-one time- with a TUTOR!!”

    But that isn’t what I said in that sentence at all. You’re totally taking it wrong. I never presumed that that was ALL or ONLY what teachers are taught.

    – which would be incorrect. I stated that teacher education has changed vastly in the last 20 years. To imply that I do not teach- I only classroom manage is an insult.

    You’re looking for a fight where there isn’t one. Besides, do you really think I would dis my mom’s 30+ year career? All I meant was that there are things involved with a credentialed teacher that aren’t needed in the homeschool setting.

    Are you really asserting that ALL of your neighbors and friends have the ability to homeschool at this point and time?

    I’m not asserting anything. Why are we fighting this strawman?

    If you do- then maybe I am picking a fight and I will drop the subject.

    Yea, you are picking a fight. You’re seeing things that I didn’t even think of when I took 5 seconds to put the stupid post up in the first place.

    Sometimes that DELETE BLOG button looks mighty tempting…

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