Invincible ignorance

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Long-time readers will remember that I have had this little disagreement going on with Candy over at regarding her misinformation and outright lies about the Catholic Church (interspersed among of course with childcare, exercise, and homemaking tips)!

Anyway her latest is here.

And this is my response on the Visits to Candyland blog.

1793 If – on the contrary – the ignorance is invincible, or the moral subject is not responsible for his erroneous judgment, the evil committed by the person cannot be imputed to him. It remains no less an evil, a privation, a disorder. One must therefore work to correct the errors of moral conscience. Catechism Catholic Church.

I am not too upset about Candy’s recent anti-Catholic screed. I think the paragraph above I think fits the situation to a T and basically tells us how to proceed.

1. Prayer. Pray for Candy. Pray for us. Pray for all of readers. Pray before you read either blog that you will have serenity and understanding. Pray for the bloggers that we can proceed in charity and wisdom.

2. We will work to finish the Vatican vs. God rebuttals this week before we tackle the latest attack – although we have tackled some of this in the past and you can find that in our clearly marked and open archives.

3. If you must comment here or on Candy’s blog, take a deep breath, and count to 10 first. Write with clarity and charity. If you absolutely must vent, send me an e-mail. Can’t promise I’ll respond but it will be cathartic to type it out!

4. Register a complaint with the Homeschool Blog Awards people who link directly to Candy’s site on their front page. People won’t know that this is offensive unless we let them know.

5. Contact the Catholic League
450 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10123
(212) 371-3191
Fax: (212) 371-3394

My complaint was that this hate speech is linked directly to the front page of the Homeschool Blog Awards site. If there is enough interest, they may look into it.

6. Go about your life, enjoy your day! Ignorance and hate are nothing new. I just pray to have the strength, wisdom, judgment and grace of a Saint Thomas More with the love and compassion of Mother Theresa, and the tenacity of Catherine of Sienna!

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  1. Hi Elena,
    I was just responding to the comment you left on my blog regarding my comments on Candy’s blog. Basically, I really have just a few honest questions. I felt as if Candy addressed a few of them in a way that explained and clarified some of them. I would be very happy for you to tell me (basic stuff) what is incorrect.

    From what I’ve understood all my adult life about Catholicism is that they do teach things other than Christ’s death and grace imparted through faith alone are required for salvation. That salvation can be earned through works. And that there is a lot of borderline saints, Pope, and Mary worship. Is this incorrect? It just seems as if a lot of the Catholic Church’s teachings are not found in the Bible. Earning grace, penance through what a priest or bishop assigns, absolution of sin through confession, etc. Everything in a Catholic’s life seems to come back to to the “Church” and not between a vibrant relationship between onself and God the Father, God the Son, and God the Sprit. No one else is a mediator between you and God save for Jesus. A Priest is not required. They certainly have a place for leading a flock, but I feel as if too much “god-ness” is imparted to them. Even in reading this one post on your blog, you speak more of the “Church” and saints more than you do about God and Jesus and that is what the Catholic Church has always seemed to be to me. That they focus more on their traditions than the actual Word of God. Is this incorrect? I am very open to hear your side, her post was just interesting to me, that’s why I commented on it.

    I am concerned with your comment though about labeling her post as hate speech. That in itself borders more on hate speech than her post did in my opinion. She was neither hateful nor inflammatory. It was more an expository than anything. I think that her post falls squarely in the category of free speech and open discussion. She was not encouraging a change in the way anyone is treated, she was just discussing something. You seem very against her and her blog, but she didn’t mention you at all, she was just talking about something she felt the Lord had shown her.

    I will be very interested in hearing your side and explanation.

    Mothering in Grace

  2. Hi Shyla, that’s a lot to handle in the com boxes, but let me try to do my best:

    Christ’s death and grace imparted through faith alone are required for salvation.

    Catechism Catholic Church (CCC)
    183 Faith is necessary for salvation. The Lord himself affirms: “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16).

    BTW- Faith alone is not in the bible.

    Salvation, works, Mary, mediators are covered on my other blog here

    “And that there is a lot of borderline saints, Pope, and Mary worship.”

    Catholics do not worship anyone but God.

    “It just seems as if a lot of the Catholic Church’s teachings are not found in the Bible.”

    Catholicism is based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Of course the Catholic Church is not against the bible – in fact the Catholic Church compiled the bible and continued to protect and pass it on. By the way, again Bible alone isn’t in the bible. It isn’t biblical!

    Everything in a Catholic’s life seems to come back to to the “Church” and not between a vibrant relationship between onself and God the Father, God the Son, and God the Sprit.”

    I am a Catholic and I have a vibrant relationship with God BECAUSE of the Catholic Church. It was through the church that I came to hear of God, to know God, and to develop a relationship with Him. It was because of the church that I have a bible with which to read his sacred word and in fact that word is read at every Catholic mass, every day throughout the world!

    No one else is a mediator between you and God save for Jesus. A Priest is not required.

    Biblical basis for confession is here

    Even in reading this one post on your blog, you speak more of the “Church” and saints more than you do about God and Jesus and that is what the Catholic Church has always seemed to be to me.

    The church and the saints point us to Christ. I have 4000 posts on this blog for over four years.

    I am concerned with your comment though about labeling her post as hate speech. That in itself borders more on hate speech than her post did in my opinion. She was neither hateful nor inflammatory.

    She was both, although perhaps you would have to be reading it as a Roman Catholic (as well as someone who has been “talking” to her for some time, to see the true meaning behind the words. By the way, she did the whole Whore of Babylon thing before and I debunked it before here.

    So why would she put it up again without addressing the points in that piece?

    It was more an expository than anything. I think that her post falls squarely in the category of free speech and open discussion.

    Except that she allows neither free speech or open discussion. She does not allow comments that disagree with her which is why I started this blog. I find that particularly hateful that she writes controversial articles and then deliberately blocks or deletes posts that disagree or can prove otherwise.

    Would you tolerate a post from Candy if she used the same tone to degrade minorities, the handicapped, or the mentally ill? Probably not. Hate speech, is hate speech.

    You seem very against her and her blog, but she didn’t mention you at all, she was just talking about something she felt the Lord had shown her.

    Yes, I am very opposed to the hate speech on her blog and I do not believe it is the Lord who is showing her these things. She refuses to look at any information that might lead her to another conclusion. For example, did you know the Vatican is built on one hill? not 7. You will never get that information from Mrs. Brauer.

    I will be very interested in hearing your side and explanation.

    I hope this helped. Feel free to search my archives and also our archives over at VTC

  3. Excellent post and wonderful reply Elena!!

  4. I read Candy’s comment policy and agree with it, actually.

    But if I were permitted to post a comment on her recent article, I’d ask her – in all sincerity – how she can possibly understand the Elizabethan English study notes in her 16th-century Geneva Bible!

    The very text of Revelation identifies the “mountains” as kings (Rev. 17:9-10), not literal mountains. Let Scripture interpret Scripture.

    It should concern Candy and her readers that, in misunderstanding Christ’s ordinances as “works,” she advocates disobedience among the disciples of Christ.

    To my ears, she’s sounding like a false teacher, if for no other reason than this.

  5. Elena,

    I understand that you and Candy are at odds over many issues yet I believe that you are both women who in your own way are seeking to do what you believe is right. What side I stand on is of no matter here. What is so terribly disappointing to me is the way you violated Candy just now by posting her last name. I can’t see how that could be an oversight or how that could have been of pure intention. We women need not be so cruel to each other. I believed you to be better than that.

  6. MMM,
    Let me clarify something for you.

    For a while Candy had a link on her blog to her husband’s site where he did use his full name. That is how I learned it – it was easily accessible from Candy.

    Last spring Candy posted a picture on her web site of my street with an arrow pointing to my home. You want to talk about violation – how’s that?

    She then e-mailed me to apologize and we corresponded for a while. She then requested that I quit using her last name and I complied. I am not however, going back through all of the archives and removing her last name from all of my prior posts – a name that was easily available from her own site!

    This post was written prior to that incident


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