Falling in love with our Pathway Readers

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When Calvin was a little boy and having trouble learning to read, a friend of mine suggested that we try the Pathway Readers! I purchased all of the readers up to the fourth grade level, and all of my children have been enjoying them ever since.

Our reading specialist likes them because the print is big and clear and the spacing is very good. She also likes the way they introduce words and then give them high frequency repetition until the children become comfortable with them.

As a parent/teacher, I have appreciated how most of the stories in the primary grades have a moral to the story and that things do not always work out so well for the disobedient children!

Izzy is my 5th child to go through these books. Noah and Gabe are reading them now too. What I didn’t realize was how fondly my older children remembered these stories. There is a story about a little boy who is jealous of the attention his disabled sister gets and so he buries the doll grandmother gave her. Of course, since these are Amish country books, the doll was stuffed with oats – and the oats sprouted and pushed up through the dirt – which looked odd in the middle of the corn field and made Dad investigate!

I love that story, but it certainly made an impression with Calvin and Sam who stuck around for the sake of nostalgia just to hear it again! Calvin tells me that story as well as the one with the goat cart are two of his favorites!

This will be my fifth time through these books. I have markings in the margins denoting where I had someone do some copy work. I have even found and fixed a few typos! But I have yet to get tired of reading these stories and find as I pick up the next volume to give to the next child that I eagerly anticipate the good stories that I know I will have a chance to revisit!

These books are inexpensive hard backs. The workbooks are inexpensive and have been helpful in our homeschool too! I would highly recommend these books for any homeschool family or even for families that want to include a little more reading practice.

My other reading posts
Izzy’s Journey to Reading
Izzy Eyes.
Reading, Reading Recovery, reading woes and reading success.
Teaching Reading
My Son’s First Report Card.

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  1. Found you through the CoH. Just for the record, I want to second your opinion of the Pathway Readers. We are going through them with number four child. The same phenomenon happens in my home, too — all the girls gather round to hear their favorite stories again. I love them because they are squeaky clean and not silly. Great lessons are taught, even at the lowest reading levels.

  2. I just found your blog through the CoH. I really want to check out Pathway Readers now. I also read your post about your daughter’s visual perception exercises on the geoboard. I just purchased one of these and can’t wait to try some of these with our son tomorrow. Thanks so much for the helpful tips. I’m linking you in my sidebar.

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