The blogging week

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OK I admit it – I have been neglecting this blog A LOT this week with my attentions turned towards the activities on Visits to Candyland.

The week started off at high speed when I started getting comments in my email about the article by Candy at regarding the Catholic Church being the Whore of Babylon – again. It seems there are a finite number of gripes against Catholicism so we have to keep recycling the old ones.

Anyway after my blogging partner Kelly and I finished up our rigorous defense against Candy’s Vatican vs. God Essay, we were able to tackle the ole Babylonian gal! and to be fair it was an easy tackle.

Here are some of our refuting posts.
Invincible Ignorance
Tracy weighs in with two posts and informative links.

Kelly had several really great posts. Here is a roundup of reactions on the web. And Kelly’s two-parter, Whore of Babylon Part 1 and part 2

And my own contribution
Fish heads, because that’s what all the bishops are wearing these days.

But of course everyone knows that most of the fun is in the com boxes. We don’t pass the Candy’s Catholic sniff test (must be the fish heads)so we have to tackle them on our own blog. See those wacky comments and responses here, here and here.

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  1. I am so glad you and Kelly were willing to take this all on yet again!!
    I just want you to know that I for one appreciate what you do Elena for speaking the real truth about the Catholic faith!

  2. Does Candy even get the absurd irony of employing Scripture against the Catholic Church?

    Do her readers even recognize that Candy advocates forsaking the Lord’s sacraments because she misunderstands them as “works?”

    “Now they have heard of thee that thou teachest those Jews, who are among the Gentiles, to depart from Moses: saying, that they ought not to circumcise their children, nor walk according to the custom.” Acts 21:21 (DR).

    “Whatever is not from faith is sin.” Romans 14:23

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