The Swim Banquet

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I did decide to go last night. I knew that if I didn’t go, I would wonder what I had missed and regret not going. So I went.

Calvin and his girlfriend picked us up (in OUR station wagon) and took us to the banquet. Calvin’s girl was quiet, but I said hello first and that seemed to break the ice a bit.

The memory book was lovely, the CD they made of the season was tremendous, and the picture we received from senior recognition night is very precious to me.

Calvin received another bar for his Letter showing that he did letter three years in high school swimming. That was pretty much the extent of his recognition last night.I wonder if he could have made it to districts and possibly to state if he didn’t have his job although his hours were very minimal. I really think all of the late nights with his girlfriend at her house, at movies, with other friends took a physical toll. You can’t practice for four hours a day, sleep six hours or less at night and be the fastest of the fast. Calvin didn’t want to hear that three month ago – I didn’t think it was worth bringing it up last night. This was a very competitive team. Freshmen were swimming districts and a couple sophmores made state. I think Calvin had the talent – but just not the focus.

The other thing that struck me last night was the emphasis on tradition and “family.” As in the swim team and the coaches were our “family.” I remember having that same feeling in high school with the band. And indeed my experience was one of being pulled out of my family home to be with that group for a shared experience that my family couldn’t really be a part of.

A similar thing of course happens with any sports team I suppose. But it certainly seemed last night with all of the emphasis on tradition that this was a pseudofamily that in many ways had changed and interrupted our real family these past years. There was of course good and bad to that. We have met some incredible people and Calvin received phenomenal instruction and training and learned discipline and perseverance. And while it was a good opportunity for Calvin and a true learning experience, I doubt we’ll go this route again with my other children.

As for Calvin and the contract – he was much more respectful yesterday than he had been. He still got in late. I think this is something we are going to have to tackle after Easter.

As a side note, Mr. Pete’s birthday is tomorrow. This is the closest he can remember EVER having his birthday outside of Lent. Noah’s birthday is Tuesday and he intends to really celebrate on the actual date since this is probably one of the few times his birthday will be outside of Lent as well.

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1 Comment

  1. I am glad you went.
    As a middle child- please remember that some children are more rebellous than others. We are all made individually by God :>)
    Having one go off the deep end with a team does not mean that all will.
    My son’s team did become a type of family- we were careful to make sure that ALL parents were invited to EVERYTHING- especailly “family practices on Saturday mornings” fondly called the “donut run” by the Safeway who entertained us every Saturday on their curb at 6 am…. I never ran- but about 10 parents did. The rest of us met them at the end of the run! We were ALL an extended family.

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