My apologetics efforts next week.

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Some readers might remember Candy, the blogger at, and the reason I created Visits to Candyland. Candy wrote an article last October that she is particularly fond of and it is linked her side bar as The Vatican vs. God.

Here is the ending of that essay: Does the Vatican and Holy Bible teach the same thing?: “Catholics: a call to action

The Vatican and the Bible say opposite things. The Vatican and Catholic Church are made of up people. Will you follow them, or will you follow the Lord and His Bible? You cannot follow both the teachings of the Bible and that of the Vatican, as they teach so many things opposite of each other. Trying to follow both is akin to being against abortion, and at the same time, paying for the abortions of people who can’t afford one. 🙁

It is not just my ‘opinion’ that what the Roman Catholic church teaches is at enmity with God, I have shown it in black and white in this article, where I took direct quotes from the Vatican itself, and compared those quotes to the Bible, without interjecting my opinions.”

My fellow bloggers at Visits to Candyland have debunked some of the nine points Candy made in her essay. You can read all of them here.

This essay remains a sticking point between me and Candy. I have offered to end my boycott of her e-book if she removes the link from her side bar, but has declined. So for the sake of completeness, we will be finishing our “debunking” this weekend. Feel free to join visit and leave a comment!

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