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Long-time readers of this blog will now that I enjoy a good debate with a worthy adversary. I’ve backed off from those debates lately because… well because I wanted My Domestic Church to be a “nice” blog that people would want to visit and because I sensed there was a collective eye roll from my readership whenever I “got into it” with another blogger or on another discussion board. In fact I was having one debate with a blogger over on LiveJournal who ended our discussion because someone “tipped” her that I made a hobby out of “spamming blogs and picking fights”.

Interestingly when I started Visits to Candyland in an attempt to at least keep some types of apologetics discussion going on in response to this blog, it was a big hit, growing faster in six months than MDC had in three years. In fact there were a couple of days where we got 1000 hits. People stay and read that blog too. Almost 30% stay for an hour or more and our 5 second readers are only around 40% or so. Sigh…

Anyhow, I had a debate a few years ago with a liberal Catholic blogger. I can’t remember what we even argued about but I do remember we didn’t end on the best of terms. Yesterday I received this very gracious and kind note from that same blogger that made my day.

Dear Elena,

I was surfing one of my favourite Bible blogs yesterday and ran into one (Christian, but not Catholic) that was having a huge long debate with quotations from all the Fathers flying about whether the Son was subordinate to the Father (in order to support the argument that women are subordinate to men because the Trinity images the family).

I was, honestly, rather shocked, and thought to myself, thank God for the Catechism!! I don’t have to worry about stuff like that, someone else has already figured that all out (and then spelled it out with footnotes so that I can follow along and learn).

And then I burst out laughing and your name popped into my head.

How far I have come!!
Didn’t I fight with you about the Catechism? About the teachings in the Gospel trumping anything the Church might have to teach?

Ahhh, how proud and stubborn I was!! Fortunately, being an RCIA sponsor and then catechist has changed my wicked ways.

I was wrong.
You were right.

God bless you,

May God remind me to be as humble as this kind correspondent.

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