I guess we’re not good with glass?

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Long time readers might remember some of my family’s misadventures with things made of glass!
For example, this
and this.

Well today something really freaky happened. Mr. Pete was in the dining room, Sam was in the hall, I was working upstairs and sweet little Rosie was playing quietly in a corner of the kitchen. Suddenly we hard glass crack and shatter! Our glass oven door had exploded. The oven was not on. The stove top was on low. No one hit it, no one even touched it. It simply exploded. Apparently this is not an unusual occurrence!
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Exploding Oven Door | Ask Metafilter

See also this and this.

Glass was all over the kitchen and into the hallway so it exploded with some force. Interestingly even when it was all swept into a pile, you could her the glass crackling like Rice Crispies.

We were VERY FORTUNATE that Rosie was not hurt or cut in any way. She was not even afraid.

Since I researched this more on line today, I decided that I do not want another glass door. Luckily Mr. Pete is very good with handling metals and he is going to put a new metal panel on the front of the stove. I won’t be able to peak int the oven any more without opening the door, (and I won’t have to be so careful about cleaning it either!) but if I had another glass door I would worry about it exploding again!

Pretty weird huh?

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks be to God that no one was harmed! Can you make a claim against the company?

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