Swimming Sectionals

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I won’t know until tomorrow whether Calvin made it to Divisions or not. I’m going to guess, probably not. He swam his fastest times EVER for both of his events.


In his heat for the 500 freestyle he was an entire length in front of his competition and came in first! I was crying tears of joy- it’s been a lot of time and effort with Calvin, so I savor each of his hard-earned victories. But is it enough to get to Divisions or not?

Nonetheless we had a good time. It cost me $40 to take all the kids to see them swim if you include concessions (and father forgive me but we had hot dogs! The meet was running long, the kids were hungry and I didn’t want to walk to McDonald’s although I was sorely tempted with hot dogs at $2.25! We each had one and Rosie and I even shared!)


We sat in front of the Stow High School cheering section. Talk about loud! Medina’s cheering section made this wonderful WHOOSSHHH sound when ever their swimmers were diving in. It was awesome Rosie started saying it too. In fact she’s still saying it!


Most of the kids were shaved bare. But Calvin declined. He said he’ll shave if he makes it to Divisions.

He did wax his arms and legs though.

He swam the 100 free and the 500 free. The 100 was great. Fastest time for him. Came in 22 out of about 40 kids.

Then after a brief rest he warmed up for the 500.



I can’t help it. The 500 is a long race, at least 4 minutes long! I couldn’t help but think as Calvin was swimming that this was my last meet at Akron U. This was probably his last 500. All the practices, swim suits, lost goggles, traveling to meets, and the bill for unpaid swim fees were rushing through my head. And as he pulled ahead, first by a few strokes then by a body, and then by a pool length I was just so proud of him. Calvin is an average swimmer. WE don’t have schools offering him swimming scholarships or anything like that. But he worked hard, reshaped his body, got himself to 6:00 a.m. swim pracices for three years. I think he has accomplished a lot!
Last minute tips from a coach.

The Dive

A length ahead!

Something I have longed to see many times – the number 1 in front of his name!

When it was over, at home, Calvin and I talked about the chances of his going to Divisionals. He knows it’s a long shot. But then I heard him say to his girlfriend on the phone, “I swam my best, I swam faster than I ever thought I could, and I made my mama proud, it’s all good.”

This is why I continue to put up with this kid!

I love you Calvin.

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1 Comment

  1. Well, he did his best and in the end.. that is what is most important… way to go Calvin!!!

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