My Daily Domestic Diigolet 02/18/2008

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Glenn Beck – Current Events & Politics – Obama’s Global Plan  Annotatedtags: no_tag

Now, yesterday so you know, Barack Obama said, and I quote, it’s time to stop spending billions of dollars a week trying to put Iraq back together and start spending the money on putting America back together. Got it? He wants to put America back together
    These are crazy people. Example? Rights of a child, if I may quote Dr. Louise Silverstein. She wrote in the American Psychologist that, quote, “Psychologists must refuse to undertake any more research that looks for the negative consequences of ‘other than mother’ care.” It’s almost like it’s their global consensus. I can’t find anything that says putting your kid in day care would be a bad thing. Sheez. Dr. Silverstein is almost saying in the American Psychologist that psychologists must refuse to take on any research that even looks for anything bad that might happen with child care, taking care of anybody else but mom.
      Another famous Progressive philosopher and good friend of Hillary Clinton’s, Linda Hershman, said that “women cannot be fully realized human beings if they don’t make work a bigger priority than mothering.” T

        Lourdes Jubilee Celebration « Our Domestic Churchtags: catholic, craft, lourdes, saintsExhaling at Home (Opus Gloriae): Can a mother observe Lent?  Annotatedtags: catholic, motherhood, mothersloveyourbabiesa

        But I’m a mom with 7 children. Small people need a lot of fuel and won’t eat small and simple meals; they also need snacks. My time is not my own, so I cannot devote the hours I’d like to quiet recollection. There is no silence here except between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. and I’m usually sleeping through it, gratefully. In this way, it seems I have some difficulty observing Lent in the way I’d like, but that’s just the point. My ideal Lent is not ideal, because it is not God’s Plan for me. “My ideal Lent” is just that: MINE. It would be for me, not Him.
          So even though I cannot reduce much of the noise around here, I can learn to enter into that inner silence where He dwells. Even though I cannot live on lentils and rice for 40 days, I can learn to be more grateful for the food He allows me to put on the table; grateful for all the dirty dishes, as they are signs that I have a full and healthy household to eat what He gives us; and I can mortify my own appetite in little and hidden ways. Even though I cannot carve out more time to pray, I can remember that everything I do, I do before His Face. His wounded, suffering Face. I can be more conscious that everything I do, I do for love of Him who died for love of me.

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