New Years Resolutions 2008

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Here are my 2007 resolutions!

New ones for 2008

1. To try to get more ORGANIZED prayer time into my day, especially with my husband.
I give myself a C on that one. I like that the kids and I have an organized prayer time at the beginning of our school time, but I need more time with Mr. Pete AND I need more personal prayer time even if it is only for ten minutes. I think the problem is that I think I need 30 minutes or more. I don’t have that much time at once, but spread out over the day I could probably do it.

2. To get more scripture study in too. I’m using this tool this year. I’m also going to give myself more time and not aim for the entire bible in one year.

3. To be more organized in my household, but particularly with my homeschool. To that end I am going to make myself write in my homeschool blog more to keep a more accurate picture of what we are accomplishing.

I actually did better with that last year. This year I just purchased Cindy Rushton’s E-book set to help me accomplish more with this!

I’m still working on this.

4. To read more to the little ones AND keep track of it on my Library Thing – also in my homeschool blog.

I’ve been right on track and doing great on this one. Now I would like to inspire my older two boys to read more for recreation, perhaps even starting a family evening reading night!

I actually am giving myself an A on this one! We got through the entire Martha series and we have done two books just over Christmas!

5. More prayer time with the kids including the Angelus, First Fridays, and Divine Mercy.

Uh… well instead we got the rosary, nailed the Memorare and the act of Contrition and have started learning the sign of the cross and Lord’s Prayer in Latin. I would still like to implement these other three.

7. To earn at least one plenary indulgence a month!
Well, I didn’t get one every month so I’ll keep working on it.

8. To pay off at least 10% of my oustanding credit card debt. This will be easier this year. Renewed for 2008 although our debt did not grow and I have taken on more work for more income.

9. To hit my new goal on Weight Watchers by March and goal by my birthday. Renewing this one too. Following my workout routine in the sidebar more closely.

10. To practice my instrument at least 3 times a week.

11. Keep up with my medical transcription business. (did it!)Perhaps add a client this year? Did it and added another client!

12. Get my eBay business humming!! I actually did pretty good with this and now that I have a better idea what sells, I’m hoping to take it to the next level.

I was doing great on this until someone stepped on my postage meter and wrecked it! Hoping to continue in 08.

13. Change my homeschool philosophy around to reflect more of a Charlotte Mason, Real Learning paradigm.

I did fairly well with this. Keep working.

13. To blog a little something everyday keeping Mary’s demeanor with St. Theresa of Avilla’s humor! (ugh)

I’m also swearing off some blogs that just give me nothing but heartache and no edification whatsoever.

14. Make a concerted effort to let the people in my life who are important to me – KNOW THAT!

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  1. Wow, you’ve got a lot on your plate! I admire your willingness to tackle these goals and I’ll pray for your success.

  2. wow Elena… you go girl!!

  3. Wow! Great list! I may copy you. 😉 Are you lucky enough to have Relevant Radio in your area? I am able to remember to fit the Angelus and Divine Mercy into my day when I listen to Relevant Radio because they pray the Angelus at noon and 6pm and the Divine Mercy at 3pm. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Relevant Radio!!

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