My Domestic Clippings

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This article looks at having children from a very Catholic Mom perspective – it’s NOT deeply theological in a good way – it is very heartfelt!
40 reasons to Have Children

I think one of the reasons to have children is to have an excuse to do neat crafts like these!
Craft if the Week Club.

Meals for Hard Times – hey sometimes it’s all about just getting the belly filled!
This is a pretty useful article!

Now, I am going to assume that all your husband can give you is $30. Maybe he can only give $20, and I’ll show you where to adjust. Here, Chicken quarters are sometimes on special for .29/lb.. So for two weeks I would probably buy 2-3 of those. If they are more expensive I would buy two, but at .29/lb I would buy 3. Shop for sales with your news paper before going out. Plan your route in advance to save money on gas. Assuming that you bought 3 chicken quarters we’ve already spent $9.

The next thing on the list is bacon, salt pork or very cheap ham. Now I am going to assume that you have dry beans in the house. If you don’t they must be purchased. The bacon can be bought in ends and pieces the cheapest, and this is perfect for using the ways I will suggest. If you spend $3 on the bacon, and $3 on the beans, we have spent $15.

Now if you can, pick up some ground turkey at Save-a-Lot. Try to get 4 chubs @ .69/chub. So you have spent $2.80 more or $17.80. Now here is where things get sticky. First of all you need two things more to get through – milk and eggs. Now milk and eggs is something I always have, due to my goats and chickens. In fact it has been awhile since I have been in a really desperate situation, because of homesteading. However I started homesteading to help prevent us getting into a bad spot (within the Lord’s will of course). So at this point, on $30 you should purchase: 1 gallon of milk and 3 dozen eggs. The milk is NOT for drinking. Use the milk for cooking. On $20 you should drop 10Lb of chicken to get your milk and buy 2 dozen eggs.

Now on $20 you are done. On thirty dollars the balance should be made up with Ramen noodles, a can or 2 of tomato paste, a bag of potatoes, cornmeal, peanut butter and frozen vegetables. Now, you probably noticed that I said not to drink the milk. This is because that milk can be used more wisely for making meals. If your family are big milk drinkers, they will have to get used to not drinking so much right now. This is not a permanent thing, but rather temporary to get through. Also, as much as you are capable, try to balance your meals. However hard times call for hard ways of eating. Our grandmothers and grandfathers often simply ate meals like cornbread and milk. Extra money should be used for missed things on the list or luxury items such as cheese.

A good place to find coupons and sales onlineEdealfinder.

Keep your Old PC alive!
Some tricks to keeping the PC alive that I had never considered!

And since I was investigating ways to help Izzy’s speech problems, I came upon these gems!
Straight Talk – A parents guide to speach and language development.

Teach me How to Say it Right!

Mommy speech therapy blog!

And a little something for Sam, my American History student!
Free literature and study guides!

And a fun look at stereotypes we Homeschoolers get all of the time.
The Bitter Homeschooler’s Wish List!

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1 Comment

  1. You could check out this video that will help parents work with their children:

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