My Baby is Graduating

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I cannot believe that in a few short months, my oldest will be graduating from high school (hopefully!) We are in the middle of swim season. He just survived his last “Christmas Break” killer practice schedule. He looks lean and athletic. I told him to always remember this. He is in the best shape of his life right now.

And there are so many questions in the air right now. Calvin is a very gifted artist. His art teacher made a point of telling Mr. Pete how gifted Calvin is and encouraging him to pursue it. But Calvin can’t see himself stuck in an office, behind a desk for a living, even if it is doing something that he loves. He also doesn’t want to accumulate a lot of debt going to college when his heart really isn’t in pursuing a college degree in anything right now. I don’t think he is swimming scholarship material either – at least no one has beat down our door to offer him one.

The best plan we have come up with so far, is for Calvin to pursue the EMT course at our local hospital and get some experience behind him so that he can apply to the fire department. I can see him doing that kind of work. He already has experience working as a lifeguard and he has made a couple of saves. He is cool,level headed and authoritative – just what you want at the scene of an emergency. I think this could be a good career choice for him. He’s not great in science but he enjoyed anatomy and physiology; he is very good at math which will be helpful if he has to figure out quick medication doses in the field.

So unless God has another path to put him on that’s the one he is headed for at least right now, totally open to a different path if that’s what God wills.

They are having Senior recognition on the 28th. They want baby pictures and fun shots of Calvin for the year end memory book. I have been sobbing and laughing as I pulled these together. My baby. Where did the time go! As I have only shot digital pictures in the last few years, I put some of the best of Calvin’s pictures together in a slide show. I have to deliver the baby pictures in hard copy. I really have to try and savor the rest of the year and his last swimming season.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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1 Comment

  1. My dd did the EMT course through the local community college. She is NOT a great student- but enjoyed the course. It is an excellent way to make your way into the “system”. Her friend now works reception (really triage) at the local emergency room and another got on with the fire department. The courses cost a grand total of about $150. The “next courses” are being paid for by the employers.

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