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As time would allow, we finally took our Christmas tree down yesterday on the Baptism of the Lord. It seemed fitting. The church still had Christmas trees and a creche up so I’m glad we did to. Now the living room looks so empty without it! Luckily the tree we had this year did not shed a lot of needles so clean up was quite fast and easy.

So now we are in the truly cold days of January after some really nice days last week. I had two really nice walks last week and was able to get in 2.5 miles on Saturday. I still don’t quite have the knack of exercising at home without fail. It seems that there is always something that needs my attention, or my kids need help. Sometimes (more often than not) it’s that I have to chase an entire group of teenage boys out of the downstairs so that I can have the space to do my workout tapes and sometimes I just don’t want the hassle. Sometimes it’s because one of the transcription companies I work for actually has jobs that need to be done and if I don’t grab them when I can, another transcriptionist will and then I’ll be out of luck. It’s truly brilliant how that company has things set up. It’s good for them and the clients, but not always so good for the transcriptionists.

I’ve been sort of following the Slim Fast plan too. I was inspired by Valerie Bertinelli and Genie Francis’s amazing weight loss with Jennie Craig and Medifast. Of course I can’t afford special food just for me, but i certainly can get down to Walgreens and by Slim Fast. It’s not too bad.

Homeschool is going along nicely, although we are still only doing the basics reading, language arts and math, just as we were last week. I truly hope to get back into some science and geography this week and finish the literature book that we are reading.

The kids DID finish their Legion of Mary rosaries though. I now have five kids that know how to make rosary knots. I even know now too. It’s quite addicting. I can see where someone could get use to doing a lot of these while waiting for appointments or watching t.v.

Calvin is in his last month of official swim team participation. His last month. After this I will never get to watch him swim in a meet again. I think I am going to miss that. Next Monday the parents have to come in and pose with their swimmers for Senior appreciation. I have to find something nice to wear and I’m torn between pants an a top or getting a new dress. It’s going to be in the pool area so it can’t be too warm. I think I’ll go shopping this weekend.

My challenge this week is going to be convincing my almost 80-year-old mother that she probably shouldn’t ever drive again. We have been quite successful in keeping her from driving since her accident last spring, but she really misses it. I just think we were lucky that time and I would really hate for her to overcome all that she has just to get hurt or killed in an accident that could be prevented. Maybe I want this more for me than for her – I know I would worry about her, but I just can’t see letting her drive alone any more or with my children in the car.

Oh and this post by Alexa literally woke me up in the middle of the night. Mr. Pete turns 50 in March.

My nephew is staying with me today as my sister has some medical stuff to take care of. It should make for an interesting homeschool day.

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  1. Oh Elena, I don’t envy you having to try to talk your mom into not driving, that can’t be easy. It is very hard to see our parents getting older, I know that it has been hard for me and to realize that they are not “super heros” and that they can indeed get hurt… I think my dad’s recent surgery really opened up my eyes.. it is just not easy watching our parents age and I don’t know if it ever will be or that I would want it to be… prayers for you as you take on this task.

  2. Elena,

    I’ll be praying for you as you address the driving issue with your mother. I’ve been there. It was a painful thing to have to come to terms with for all of us. It’s scary while kids are growing into being able to drive but, it’s even scarier as parents grow out of being able to drive. Kids get better at it; parents don’t. It’s such a loss of freedom and independence. My dad still forgets sometimes that he doesn’t drive anymore. Every time I have to remind him, it breaks both our hearts just a little bit.

  3. I talked the keys out of my father’s hands (the owner of a car company) by reminding him that he would not be as hurt if he was injured- but how devistated he would be if he had an accident (or caused one) that would kill a child in another auto.
    A tear came to his eye and he handed me his keys- never to drive again. It really was a turning point in our relationship.
    I did find him a cab who would pick him up when needed (one driver) and later used the city’s public handicapped bus system ($2.50 for anywhere in the city- door to door).
    I have no idea how my sisters will take the keys from my mom. I will leave that one up to them….
    I will pray for you and the work you have to go through soon.

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