A note and prayer request from Bai Macfarlane

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As we commemorate the feast of our Lady of Guadalupe, we can remember
the innocent children who had been offered in brutal sacrifice to the
Mexican pagan gods before the conversions to Christianity.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, as Patroness of the Americas, must ache for
all the children who are offered to the diabolical powers of no-fault
divorce. Thousands of children are basically “abducted” from a
capable spouse because the civil court will aid and abet an
abandoning spouse in the mutilation of his own family. Civil
attorneys are getting very rich while children are suffering, lonely,
financially devastated and morally deprived of their natural right to
live with the capable parent from whom the children were “abducted.”

At 9:00 am on Dec. 12, 2007, I will be in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Divorce Court in Magistrate Barbara Hall’s chambers with my
husband’s attorney (Tom Lafond) and the court appointed children’s
attorney (John Ready) who is also assigned as the children’s
attorney. These attorneys have charged our family about $150,000 for
their services thus far. Wednesday is a pre-trial meeting because,
in July, I asked for a total custody switch based on the children’s
wishes and concerns that can be conveyed in a private interview of
the children by the judge.

I shall continue to uphold the pro-family Catholic position. I will
keep saying I need to ask my husband if he agrees that he will
voluntarily fulfill his obligations to me and our children –
obligations as defined by our church law. The two attorneys do not
want me to ask this question, partly, I believe, because they are
afraid that my husband will say “yes, of course I’ll fulfill my
obligations as described by our church law.’

Next I need to establish that our church law specifies our
obligations toward each other. Once that is done, the court appointed
guardian will be violating our family’s right to freely practice our
religion if he recommends that our family be ordered to maintain two
homes and our children be ordered to live on a divorce visitation

Please pray that Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede.

I need the magistrate to schedule an actual hearing and quit
postponing with pre-trial meetings. I need to find a church expert
who will provide an affidavit and come testify to the fact that the
church does have law, doctrine and guidelines regarding the
separation of spouses and the obligation to maintain a unified
marital household.

I need my husband to have a change of heart and for the attorneys and
judges to see the truth of what they do to innocent children and
capable spouse for a huge, huge personal financial gain.

Happy eve of our Lady of Guadalupe

Bai Macfarlane
Mary’s Advocates

And the update:

Hi friends,

Today at the pre-trial I believe I have been squished – at least on
this path. I do not believe in spending time in efforts that are
likely to bear no fruit – when there are so many other ways that can
bear fruit. I have three projects cooking.

1) I have not provided to the judge a basis on which she can re-visit
the custody question because I have to prove that there has been a
change since the divorce, meriting revisiting the custody question.
2) The court-appointed guardian is the one who gets to tell the court
if there has been a change since the divorce.
3) The guardian said he will ask for a separate hearing to establish
that there has been no change, at which time he will argue that there
was no change, so the motion will be dismissed.
4) I have to pay the children’s attorney a fee before this will move
forward. I can’t remember if it is $250, more or less.
5) I have to start paying the children’s attorney the back pay of
about $8,000 before this can move forward.
6) My children can not have a private interview with the judge such
that my husband will not know what they say. Somewhere I learned
that the interview with the children is a secret meeting between the
judge and children – but now I am told the guardian will be there and
the whole thing will be transcribed AND Bud could read the
transcript. Some of our children have expressed fear of letting
their father know that the disagree with him.
7) Besides our children’s wishes, there are a group of other
criterion that must be provided to the court and she already told me
that all four of our children could tell her that they want to live
with me, and she doesn’t have to pay any attention to it because she
and the guardian get to decide.

Knowing all this – I think this motion should be withdrawn. I will
speak with my children before I do it though. This whole thing
started because we understood they could speak to the judge privately.

Bai Macfarlane
Mary’s Advocates

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  1. I found Bai Macfarlane’s ad on the Wanderer today. I then found your site and your post from Bai.

    My daughter once told me in regard to my poor health when she was only four years old, “Maybe if you’d listen harder to what Jesus is trying to tell you, you’d feel better.” Possibly Bai Macfarlane could benefit as I did from those words too.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

  2. I don’t get it Net. Do you mean if Bai listened harder to the words of Jesus she would feel better about her husband abandoning her? or happier that the legal system and divorce industry is costing her an arm and a leg?

  3. How sad! I don’t know much about this issue, except that I come from a non-Catholic broken home, and have been devastated because ot it. I decided I was going to (and did) convert to Catholicism and marry a practicing Catholic for that reason. Of course, I learned a lot more along the way. What can I do to help?

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