Savor the time – Mothers Love Your Babies

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I wrote here about an extraordinary mom savoring the short time she and her family had with her baby. (Also see here.)

Almost every moment of his life, Lee was in someone’s arms. Teeny talked to him nonstop. Joyce Bencent, a great-aunt, cradled him and recited in a singsong croon a list of all the distant relatives who loved him.

I had the opportunity to read about another such mom here. Her little one lived for ten days.

I did not want my child to die on his own. So they dressed him and took out all the horrible pipes and tubes, wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to me. I got to hold my precious, beautiful baby for the first time. I kissed him all over, he was so beautiful. He lay in my arms, and his breathing got slower and slower, his little heart got slower, and for the last 30 minutes of his life he lay in his mothers arms, with every single ounce of my love pouring out, with his heart over mine. Bonded forever.

HT Cecily

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