Our Journey through Homeschool High School

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When I look into blogs and sites for homeschooling, most of what I find is geared towards the little kids and the elementary students. There is not as much variety or information for high school students. I’m no expert by any means, but I thought from time to time, I’d share some of what Sam and I are doing, our successes and our failures.

One of our first failures has been high school history. Sam hit this pretty thoroughly with my mother in sixth and seventh grade and he really had no desire to go back and revisit it in high school, but of course I want him to have the high school credit. We started the year with Christ and the Americas. Sam balked. So I got the bright idea, that if he felt he knew so much about American history, maybe he should just study for the CLEP test. I started printing out lectures from the American History site, and I enthusiastically brought home videos from the library and had him outline paragraphs… and we both grew exhausted and discouraged. I felt that I couldn’t adequately break out the parts that were going to be important on the CLEP test, Sam couldn’t keep up with all of the reading, and I was so afraid that I was leaving too much in, or pouring too much on!

So last week I brought out Christ and the Americas again and started reading it. Much to my delight this very readable text seemed to cover the things I had read would be covered on the CLEP test, and it was easy and enjoyable to read. I bought the workbook too.

Now I can easily see what he is covering, and hopefully put some American Literature to go with it too as he continues on with it. I also know that when he successfully completes this text and workbook he will be able to get solid high school credit from NARS.

As much as I love the eclectic approach, sometimes the practical approach can be a lifesaver!

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1 Comment

  1. Isn’t it amazing how much we moms learn when we homeschool?

    I started out using a satellite school for high school with my older kids, then switched to eclectic. Both turned out fine, and one just graduate from college magna cum laude. I’m sure your son will do fine 🙂

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