Works for Me Wednesday – teen clothes

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I hear moms complaining about how their teens want this new item of clothing, or that expensive pair of shoes etc. I have been very blessed that my kids DON’T do that but I think it was because we started turning them into little bargain hunters from the time they could understand what money was.

Case in point, my son Calvin wanted his own clothes and he wanted to be able to buy stuff that he likes. But he doesn’t shop at the expensive department stores and he rarely pays full price for anything.

Last year we bought this suit coat and pants at the local thift store for under $10 for both! He bought the shoes at Gabriel Brothers and I think he got the shirt and tie for Christmas.

Calvin - looking good!

This year, same suit coat, pants and shoes, new shirt from his aunt for Christmas, and a $30 tie that he got for $10!


He looked sharp and he was really proud of how much money he saved on an outfit that easily could have run him over $200 brand new. If he doesn’t grow too much bigger, he might even be able to wear this for a few years longer, even on job interviews!

Works for me!

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  1. Handsome!

    My kids are little bargain hunters too (as are my own siblings)!
    You should hear my son haggle at garage sales even. .. .
    The it’s a running joke among all the siblings-in-law how funny we are about saying things such as , I”m not taking double digits for a work shirt (!) etc.

    Your son did well and his thrifty-ness is sure to serve him well in his long future ahead 🙂

  2. Good job raising a money-savvy son! My mom turned us on to the glory of clearance racks when I was a teenager–all I wanted was Guess jeans at the time, but she could find several cute outfits for less than one pair of the jeans! We also had fun adding up all the regular prices and comparing them to the clearance prices–when my Dad heard the original amount, he was so blown away by our savings that he happily accepted the true amount we spent.

  3. We have a store in our town that caters to teens on a budget. The store buys still in good condition, used teen clothes and resells them cheap.

    Kids love to shop there because they can buy something that’s in style, wear it til they get tired of it and sell it back or exchange it for something “new.” Their system encourages the kids to take care of the clothes too because they get more money for them if their in better shape.

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