Works for Me Wednesday – Menopause

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This week in Works for Me Wednesday, instead of submitting a tip, we are supposed to submit a question.

I have many questions about menopause. My mother had her ovaries and uterus removed when I was a very little girl. My grandmother had a hysterectomy before I was even born. So since I am the older sister ( sis being only 17 months younger)it appears that I am going to forge the menopause first and without any family history to work from.

So here it goes – menopausal ladies, share your answers and your wisdom!

When did you know you were finally going through menopause? What were your symptoms? How long did they last? Did your other female relatives have similar experiences or was yours unique in someway? How did you deal with your symptoms if any?

Were you sad? Did you feel like less of a woman after menopause? or was life better than ever!? How did you deal with the thoughts that you would never have another baby? of does that sort of take care of itself with time?

What worked for you?

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  1. I started the night sweats and that was the most obvious sign. I had some emotional changes too that I didn’t enjoy. I have been on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for a few years now and I do not regret taking my little white pill. I take them everyday which brought on the cessation of my periods also which I appreciate because my periods got to be so weird and bothersome. I have enjoyed my over 50 years very much. I don’t know if any of this helps…I hope so.

  2. Elena,

    I’m sending you an email on this.

  3. I’m not sure what that part of life holds for me. My mother told me that for her, one month, when she was 50, she didn’t have a period–nor did she ever have one again, and that was the end of that. I was hoping that would be my experience as my July period did not show up when scheduled, nor my August — but at the end of Sept. I found out that my end isn’t here yet. OTOH, my grandmother went through a real depression then, my grandfather likened it to when their first baby died days after birth. Hopefully I’ll be like my mom, and frankly, I am ready. I love my kids dearly, and while I’m generally one to want to keep my options open, the fact of the matter is I don’t want to be pregnant again, and knowing its over with would be a relief.

  4. I’m only 42 and already experiencing the hot-flash-night-sweat-mood-swing thing very heavily. I have put on an extra 15 pounds in the past year, and my cycles, after being like clockwork my entire life, have been stranger and stranger — it started happening after my 41st birthday, and now as I head for 43, I’ve had several 2-month cycles and one 3-month one just recently . . .

    I have a hard time not being depressed about it. We’re Catholic converts, and though we have four children whom we love dearly, it was the openness-to-life business that I struggled with the most in coming to accept the wisdom of the Church. So when I finally threw up my hands and said, “Okay, Lord . . . ” the last thing I was prepared for was to have that avenue come to an apparent dead end. I do NOT feel ready to accept never having another baby, but at the same time, when we pray the Angelus at lunchtime, I’m aware all over again that I’m submitting to God’s will with Mary, just as much I was submitting some years ago, before my conversion, when I found myself unexpectedly pregnant with our youngest child and just beginning to say the Angelus. Then, the circumstances for having a baby were not at all favorable, in worldly terms, and I was willing myself to be joyfully obedient (which now seem so silly, because the child is question is such a joy). Now I find that I’m doing the same thing, in opposite and to me much more difficult circumstances.

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