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What an unusual week this has been. I feel so badly that my creamy complexioned baby -faced young man would have such a virulent first acne outbreak! After I blogged the other day we did go to the doctor. He tried to open up a tract to allow more pus and fluid to escape. He also put him on Bactrim and took a culture. By that evening though Sam’s whole side of his face and his bottom lower lip became terribly swollen. It looked like he had been in a fight. Of course I talked to the doctor again and to my brother-in-law the internist to get their take. Basically it takes time for antibiotics to kick in and although it would be reasonable to go to the emergency room, we could also ride it out. We opted to ride it out. Sam didn’t feel good enough to go to the ER but he wasn’t running a fever and he was keeping food down. He was lethargic but it was mostly because he couldn’t get a good night’s sleep because his face was so painful.

Yesterday we found out the culture was just growing out staph and we should have the sensitivities today. But last night Sam turned the corner. He is draining a lot of pus and the swelling has gone down remarkably from his cheek. His lower lip is still terribly swollen though but hopefully that will start resolving. Sam really wants to look better by Saturday for his last soccer game of the season.

He’s really behind now in his school work and the other kids are behind from my attention being torn, but we got the basics done and Noah even moved into the next level math book!

I’m still on my quest to hit $200 with my one client. That’s been hard with all of my other work, but I think I’m going to come close. I’ve got some posts about libraries and All Saints Day coming up hopefully tomorrow and over the weekend.

whew… I am REALLY looking forward to the weekend!!

Update: Turns out the culture was that MRS infection, but it was sensitive to the antibiotic Sam is on. Our family is supposed to put antibiotic ointment into our nostrils before bedtime for a week. Oh Rosie is going to love that! No one else is sick or even with any lesions so hopefully by next week everything will be back to normal.

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  1. Oh my goodness, what a week you have had!!

    I’m so glad you found out what it is and I’m very glad to know that this can happen and what to do for it, you sure do learn something new and useful every day!!

    I hope you have a terrific and peaceful weekend.. as peaceful as one can have with kids!!


  2. WOW! I am so glad that you got a handle on that infection before others in the family caught it! I have prayed for healing for your son.

    I am a homeschooling mom to 8 and just wanted to stop in and say hello!
    Visit my blog sometime!
    MamaArcher’s Blog

  3. Poor Sam! My family also deals with MRSA. It is awful, just awful. We’ve all done the ointment in the nose. Tasted terrible to me (I have a sensitive pallette), but the husband couldn’t taste it at all, he just found it annoying. My baby (now 14 months old) had a terrible infection when she was just 2 weeks old! My older one hasn’t had one since we fixed her iron deficiency (something you might want to check with your doctor on for Sam, since those things can also go whacky during adolescentce). Iron deficiency taxes the immune system like a chronic illness. The baby just had a second, very minor one, but it was small enough (I’m now super-trained to see them), that it was just drained and then her body fought it off.

    One of the funny recommendations my doctor gave me was to put some bleach (1 tsp per gallon) into their bath water. It smells to be about the concentration of a swimming pool. Since all of our infections have been skin-based, we tried it for the first time last night.

    And I don’t know how much this had to do with it, but we used to have seriously old carpet in the main living areas of our home. My older daughter also had ringworm (yes, we had a really rough winter last year) which was mistaken for eczema, alond with several of these MRSA infections. I threw up my hands, looked around, and thought, “I wonder what is living in this carpet!” We ripped it out in January and replaced it with Pergo flooring. Since the switch, we have only had two infections considering the entire family! Kasandra (my older one) hasn’t had one since March!

    I’ve always tried to keep stuff clean, but I’ll admit I’m also more liberal with the bleach, especially in the bathroom. I do hope you don’t deal with this as often as I have! Although it is a small comfort that all of our infections have been under our clothes.

  4. Wow! I am really glad to know all that.

    Elena, your family is in my prayers. Sending extra energy your way!

  5. Wow, I saw a few different articles in waiting-room-magazines on MRSA and it was scary! I’m glad Sam was able to get diagnosed right away.

  6. Oh, I was afraid it was MRSA. That’s nasty, and now it out in many communities. I’ve never heard of putting ointment in your nose, though. I know we have it in the house, but there’s no point in my trying to disinfect for it, my husband works in the ER and would just bring home a fresh batch the next day. Oh good luck with it, you and your family are in our prayers.

  7. PS- You have reached heights of “uncool mom”ness for blogging about your teenager’s acne. 😉

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