How some prejudices develop?

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About seven years or so ago, my son was playing with a group of friends behind our house. He was the only white child amongst a group of our African-American neighbors. All of the black kids were calling each other “niggah” in playful jest. That’s just what black kids do around here. For some reason the N-word doesn’t seem to have the same historical connotations that it does for those of us who lived through the civil rights movement.

Anyway, Calvin innocently and playfully joined in to the name calling. His friends didn’t think much of it. I think they started call him names too like “white niggah” or “cracker.”

On the way home though an older boy who had witnessed their playing didn’t take kindly to a white kid calling other black kids the N-word, even if it was just friendly comraderie. He took it upon himself to attack Calvin from behind and punch him hard in the eye. That was the first and last time Calvin was ever assaulted.

Ever since that time, Calvin has remained mostly in the house when he is home although last summer, now that he is an adult and 18 and big and strong, he did join in a few games of football on the street. But he developed a mistrust for the neighborhood, a mistrust for black male adolescents and it changed how he views the world. In fact, that may be what drives him out of this neighborhood as soon as he can finish high school and get a job. He already works in a most Caucasian town, and hangs around with white, middle-classed, suburban kids that he has been able to befriend because of he can drive and because he has a job.


I have to say that I am trying to control similar feelings towards certain types of bible believing, Catholic-Bashing Christians. I had a certain encounter today that made me want to say, “the hell with it.” I open certain blog pages and in the first 30 seconds I can tell whether or not I would be welcomed as a sister in Christ or not. And my reactions are similar to Calvin’s. I won’t go in there. I’m not going to open myself up to that again. I am going to go the other way.

The really strange thing is that aside from religion, I probably have a lot in common with these ladies – homeschooling, married, lots of kids, politically conservative, and more. But I am starting to wall off that side of the blogosophere, save for my one portal, and feel driven more and more back into the heart of my own church, where for the most part I feel safe.

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  1. subtle bemusement, to intellectual curiosity, to mild annoyance, to dislike to strong sislike bordering on abhorance.

  2. You’re commenting on your own blog? 😉

    Fight the good fight, finish the course, keep the faith!

  3. It is sad and I am sorry that my fellow protestant homeschoolers do the “catholic bashing” thing. I have also seen it go the other way…protestants being taken as less serious because we’re not catholic.

    for me, I’m neither at this juncture in my life. I have considered joining the RCC but I have no idea where my faith journey is leading me. I’m a Christian thru and thru. Labels just do me no good. They are so devisive.

  4. I’m sorry you are going through this. Here in the rural South we live it on a daily basis if we step outside our house as a family. I understand your frustations. Prejudice comes in many forms. REligious prejudice is one of those few that are still tolerated. It’s a shame.

  5. Hi Elena,

    I found your blog through alot of running around among other blogs. Let me introduce myself…I am Candy Brauer’s sister-in-law. Her husband, Erik, is my brother. I commend you on your efforts to try and call her attention to the illogical fabrications she posts about Catholics, but you are wasting your time. Erik and Candy have the mindset of “don’t confuse us with the facts, we’ve made up our own.” Your frustration with her blog is only a fraction of what we in the family have to put up with when talking to them. ..on several levels, not just religion. You might be interested to know that of myself and my three brothers, only Erik went through the Cathoic church confirmation process as a teenager.
    Anyway, the outright lies and misleading statements she makes regularly on her blog used to really anger me…now they just annoy me and I pity her. I really think she has been whitewashing the facts and manipulating information to suit her beliefs for so long that she is incapable of stating any wholly truthful information. I used to think, “If her readers knew what I knew, they’d never visit the blog again.” But I have too much to do each day besides clarifying her half truths for her readers. I watch her blog mainly to keep tabs on my nephews and neice…that is another can of worms altogether. All is NOT WELL in Candyland…BELIEVE ME!!
    Anyway, I hope you can get something helpful out of this post for your own peace of mind.

    Anne Campbell
    Non-denominational Christian,
    Former Catholic,
    Sinner who loves Christ!

  6. Anne thank you for contacting me. Would you please e-mail me at your convenience at
    Thank you.

  7. Wow I commend Anne for commenting. It must be hard to see all that goes on and not be able to do or say anything.
    You and your family are in my prayers Anne!!

  8. Thank you for posting Anne. Ever since she posted about her 7 year old running away I’ve been concerened about her children. A 7 year old does not just run away for no reason. It’s nice to know someone else is keeping an eye on things.

  9. Ladies – please concentrate on doctrine, theology and not personal gossip. Thanks.

  10. It is always so sad to see women who call themselves Christians being malicious to one another, spreading gossip, deceit, lies, delighting in the misfortune of others, etc. I read it so often on the blogs of “religious women”. We need to thank God that He shows more grace to us than we do to each other, and lift one another up as sisters rather than seek to tear each other down.

  11. Kat, I don’t see anyone delighting in the misfortune of anyone else here. But you know what? I had two protestant ladies call me a deceptive, hypocritical liar last week and neither one of them stepped up and apologized when they were proven wrong. So my feelings towards that group of Protestants is definitely somewhat sour right now.

  12. Actually…I was referring to a “Protestant woman”.

  13. Who called you a deceptive liar…and about what?

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