The paradigms of Christianity

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There are been some pretty spirited discussions going on over on the Visits to Candyland blog particularly with the Practical Problems with Sola Scriptura, and Six Tips on How not to Witness to Catholic Christians.

I’ve been at the online apologetics game long enough to know that it’s hard to effect an understanding between the different groups. In fact the longer I do this the more I realize that the non-Catholic Christians (particularly the fundamentalist, non-denominational variety) have an understanding of Sacred Scripture, church history and what it means to be Christian that is so foreign to me, that I am unsure the differences can ever be breached.

What also surprises me is the deep hatred that many have for the Catholic church for things the church doesn’t really teach or stand for. That makes me wonder what the heck the bishops have been doing for the past 50 years? Not only have Catholics of the past few generations been so badly catechized that they don’t even know what the church teaches, but the outreach and public relations to other Christians about what the Catholic church has been so nonexistent apparently that non-Catholic Christians think we secretly worship Satan, kill babies, and are in league with extremist Muslims.

I’m just thinking aloud here, but why is that? With television and the internet and over a decade since the publication of the catechism, why are so many so ignorant of what the church really teaches and why?

It overwhelms me sometimes.

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1 Comment

  1. You’re assuming they can hear that.

    I think what a lot of people don’t understand is that these people live in a seperate society. They have their own TV networks (SkyAngel), their own bookstores (Parable/Evangel, among others), their own radio (Klove, among others), their own social groups (centered around churches, look at the mega churches with resturants, shopping areas, and gyms built in). Some of them even try to move into the same neighborhoods. And from what I understand, even as homeschoolers, they try to take outside classes, what classes they take, with like-minded others or through their church. Many of them, from what I understand, are either self-employed or try to do business only with like-minded persons.

    I recall when my Mother went to work at a local bank, a branch just opening. The manager was just getting back in the work force after years of running his own business, and socializing only within his church. He could not understand that reading his bible, aloud, and trying to convert the staff was against company policy, and utterly offended my Catholic mother. He ended up being fired, after repeated warnings that that was inappropriate behavior, and then complained that he was being discriminated against over religion.

    My point being, he was so insulated, had been for his entire life, he could not handle dealing with other, non-Evangelical/Dominionist/Fundamentalist cultures. The normal working world was too much of a culture shock to him.

    I suggest you try the articles on Mars Hill church at, or the ones by Sara Robinson at (right hand column). It’s hard to believe, but we really are two countries now, just living side by side.

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