I was Titus Two’d today!

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My back ache continued into the evening and kept me from achieving a deep and restful sleep. But when donut-making time came around again, I was up to take Gabe to serve mass. I tried to find a way to sit in the pew that was comfortable but that seemed next to impossible. And I just started to cry. I’m not a big cry baby usually, but this was like labor with no breaks in between. One of the “church ladies” came up to me and asked me what was wrong, so I told her that I had hurt my back but I didn’t now how, and I couldn’t get the pain to go away.

“Oh, you need to take some Aleve. I keep it by the bed and take some 30 minutes before I get up every day. It’s miracle drug.”

I thanked her for her concern and made a mental note to stop by the drugstore on the way home.

Mass was difficult, although the homily was awesome! Deacon Terry gave a wonderful talk on what the rugged cross really means in our Christian lives! I tried to offer up my pain for my cousin Phyllis and my sister-in-law Helen. But after a while I couldn’t do the stand-sit routine anymore and I didn’t even attempt kneeling.

After mass another of the “church ladies” approached me. “Is your back hurting you dear?”

I’m such a wimp for terms of endearment when I’m not feeling well. I tried to blink back tears and said, “Yes.”

“Oh sweetheart,” continued the church lady, “You need to try some Aleve! It take it everyday. It really takes the edge off.”

I don’t know if it was her kindness, or her sincerity, or the fact that both of these lovely ladies took the time to give a younger gal in pain some assistance, but I was just very blessed by their interest.

After mass, Gabe and I went to the grocery store. As soon as I found Aleve, I opened the package and too two right in the store. In a few minutes, it was starting to kick in.

Between the passing of my friend Joann, and the kind help of my other two older “church lady” friends, I am much more mindful this week of the importance a simple gesture from a, caring word and sage advice from a kind Titus 2 type of woman can have for a younger woman struggling with a particular challenge. (And to these ladies in their 60s and 70s, I still qualify as a younger woman!)

Thank you Lord, for these simple blessings in life and for the small reminders that we represent you in the little ways of everyday life too!

Oh, and my back tonight is finally starting to feel better, and I am very grateful for that!

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1 Comment

  1. […] the two thoughts together, I was reminded of something that happened to me years ago when two older women went out of their way to show me kindness and love at church! What an encouragement they were to me in my role as a wife and […]

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