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When Calvin started surfing the internet, like any good parent, I was interested in knowing what he was viewing and who he was communicating with online. Of course when he opened a My Space account, I opened one too and told him that I wanted to be able to read whatever he wrote on his space as well as the replies. He didn’t like it, but he complied.

So when Calvin opened a Facebook, I did the same thing. I opened an account and asked to be on his friend’s list. This time Calvin dragged his feet a little bit about asking letting his “mom” be one of his friends!

I sort of forgot about the whole thing until all of the sudden, Cecily, Deb, Alexa and Pennie all asked me to be friends in the same week. Suddenly this looked like it was going to be fun and interesting for me too!

Before I knew it I had entered some homeschooling and Catholic moms groups and added even more friends. Calvin even let me be one of his Facebook friends!

Then I started to check the Facebook search engines to see if there were any other people I knew in real life who had already joined Facebook. Boy was that revealing! Many of the folks that I know from blogging and on line, regardless of age, have a Facebook. On the other hand, very few people my age, that I know from real life are on Facebook. But their kids are! I started by simply asking my nephew Patrick if I could be his friend. Patrick is a good kid and he graciously let his aunt be his friend. So I figured…what the heck! I searched out all of the other nieces and nephews on Facebook and requested to be included in their friend list. All of them have approved me. I even found my best friend’s son ( but not my best friend!) and he let me in. Of course he probably feels kind of obligated from all the knee bounces, and other stuff I let him do when he was a little boy! My Goddaughter accepted me too and even said I was in her “extended family!”

I have to say I’m grateful. It would have been kind of awkward if one of them had turned me down! And what a trip it’s been for me to read their messages and their pictures as young adults! I remember most of these kids when they were in utero! To see them dating and partying is just unbelievable to me! Where did the time go! ? I am now pondering whether or not I should simply be content as the invisible “aunt” or should I come out of lurkdom and post something once in a while. I’m still mulling that one over.

In the meantime, one of my friends from one of my mom groups asked Calvin to join her friends. Calvin said, “I don’t want to fill my friends list up with Holy Roller, Old Lady moms – it will scare the babes away!”

Made me laugh. SO of course, if any of you Holy Roller, old lady moms want to invite Calvin to be your friend – I encourage it! LOL!!

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1 Comment

  1. You are right, you shouldn’t post often on their walls, but perhaps an appropriate “awww” on a picture or two would make them smile. Prom pictures or other fancy duds are another matter- go nuts!!!
    I dont even remember how I stumbled on your blog, but I really do love it. I’m a young Catholic woman (no intention of having kids anytime soon, i’m not even dating right now) who simply loves how you write about your kids.
    anyway, thats my thoughts!

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