Tip #9 of how not to witness to Catholic Christians

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Blessed Motherhood: “Let me also give a historical example. The German Nazi Party was responsible for the Holocaust. However this does not mean that all Germans were evil by nature. We do hear of testimonies which contain accounts of Germans who risked their lives to save thousands of Jews from the clutches of the Nazi Party. A more recent example is the underground Christian church in Afghanistan. These Afghan Christians have little choice but to practice their faith in secret, professing themselves to be Muslims in order to escape death. There are probably some more examples that I can highlight, which would showcase the disparity between the teachings of an organization or system and the actual beliefs of its people. Hence, it would be reasonable to conclude that not all who outwardly profess to be members of the Roman Catholic Church would automatically adhere to its teachings.”

Motherofmany aka Amy has a post up now with this analogy: Catholics are to the Catholic church as Good Germans were to the Nazi Party.

nice huh?

Maybe I should add this to my tips on how not to witness to Catholics – don’t compare our church to the Nazis.

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