ACTS Catholic Apologetics – Archbishop Fulton Sheen mp3 Audio

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ACTS Catholic Apologetics – Archbishop Fulton Sheen mp3 Audio

A wonderful site for Bishop Sheen’s wit and wisdom!

Here is an excerpt I transcribed from his talk on contraception:

Married couples will often say we cannot afford more children, therefore we have a right to fumble with the levers of life. Those who make a statement of this particular kind probably never think of the terrible principal they are enunciating namely the primacy of the economic over the human.

Now just suppose one put that into practice in other walks of life. Suppose a family had five children but they had only enough children to only buy four hats. Do you think they should be permitted to cut off the head of a child to bring the human to the level of the economic or the economic to the level of human.

Those who put the primacy upon the economic not in in saving or earning, they are interested in spending, and it is that which dictates the frustration of life.

When was the last time I heard that in a homily? I don’t think I ever have!!! I think I’ll put the sanctifying grace one over on my apologetics blog.

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